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一朝题名金榜,犹如鲤鱼跃上龙门。Jinbang title once, like a carp to leap onto the goal.

林语慧曾经叮嘱高金榜提防程碧剑。Lin Yuhui once told Cheng Bijian to beware of high gold.

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高金榜上船之前发誓日后回来带林语慧走。Before the ship back on high Jinbang swear with Lin Yuhui walk.

经过金榜路,目标确定是火车站。Passed Jinbang Rd , the destination is definitely the train station.

高铭,“计算机组织与结构金榜题库”,鼎茂图书出版。M. Morris Mano , "Computer System Architecture", Prentice Hall press, Third Edition.

林语慧对五花八门的纸扇产生了兴趣,高金榜向摊主问价,一把纸扇要五毛钱。Lin Yuhui of all kinds of paper fan interest, high Jinbang to stall the asking price, a paper fan 50 fen.

卡特在过去的几个赛季中是此项赛事奖金榜的常客,而今年也有23100英镑的进账。Carter, a regular big earner in the event over the past few seasons, cleared a total of £23,100 this year.

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只要二少爷好好的读书,有金榜提名的那一天,就有了条路。Only two young masters thoroughly study, there is gold placard the nomination of that day of, had the road.

我们到达那里后,我们去吃美味的食物,爬金榜公园的山脉。And after we are getting there, we are going to eat delicious food, climb the mountains in the Jin Bang Park.

祝所有的考生考上自己理想的学校,金榜提名!!!!明天更美好!!!Wish all the candidates of the national college admission test takers be admitted into your desirable school ! ! !

葬礼歌曲金榜上排名第一的是嗓音低沉的法兰克.辛纳屈的经典名曲「我的道路」,路易斯.阿姆斯壮版的「美好的世界」紧追在后,一份声明指出。Leading the funeral chart is crooner Frank Sinatra 's classic hit "My Way" , followed by Louis Armstrong's version of "Wonderful World", a statement said.

文艺之途正如人生之途,过早的金榜、骏马、高官、高楼,过多的花红热闹,鼓躁喧腾,并不一定是好事。As the way of literature and art the way of life, premature pang, horses, officials, high-rise, excessive bonuses lively, drum manic screams, is not necessarily a good thing.

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这件杰作不但受到藏石界众多专家石友的称道,更在第四届亚太地区盆景赏石大展上,一举名列金榜,这也是在这次国际大展中江苏省获得的唯一一项金奖。This masterpiece was not only admired by experts, but also awarded golden prize at the forth stone contest of Asian and Pacific area, which was the only golden prize of Jiangsu Province.

人类的社会也一样,古往今来,中国历代的状元之仕,不甘于生活的贫乏,虚寂,十年寒窗,奋力一搏,终于金榜提名。Like human society, since time immemorial, the Chinese official history of the scholar, not in the lives of poor, empty silence, decades, struggling for the best, and finally nominated Jinbang.