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人类可以制造宇宙火箭。Man can made space rocket.

这种机器就称为宇宙火箭。Such machines are called space rockets.

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这枚宇宙火箭运载了两颗卫星。This space rocket carries two satellites.

这枚宇宙火箭运载了两颗卫星。The space rocket carries a satellite as a payload.

宇宙火箭发射后进入轨道。The space rocket was launched and went into orbit.

我们希望宇宙火箭能安全在火星着陆。We hope the space rocket will land safely on Mars.

这是一本关于宇宙火箭技术的书。This is a book which tells about space rocket technology.

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宇宙火箭,ODBC,查询的数据文件不会没有调用普通文件句柄。Rocket UNIVERSE, ODBC, queries to datafile won't work without a call to common file handle.

中国是社会主义国家。她在宇宙火箭技术方面取得相当快的进展。China is a socialist country. She is making rather rapid progress in space rocket technology.

请看看巡航导弹、弹道导弹和宇宙火箭的模型吧。Please have a look at the models of cruise missiles, anti-ballistic missiles and space rockets.

宇宙火箭的巨大速度和强大的动力,帮助它挣脱地球的引力而进入空间。Their great speed and power help them to escape from the Earth's gravitational pull and go into space.

由于地球的公转运动,从地球上向各方向发射宇宙火箭必与地球之间交换能量。The space rocket which is launched in any direction must exchange energy with the earth because of the earth orbital revolution.

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韩国发射第一颗宇宙火箭,搭载的一颗科技卫星没有进入预定轨道。South Korea has launched its first space rocket, though a scientific satellite it was carrying failed to enter into its proper orbit.

一旦发现某个星体构成与地球或月球碰撞的威胁,月球制造的宇宙火箭即使其改变轨道以解除威胁。Those objects that once presented a threat of collision with the Earth or the Moon will have had their orbits altered by Moon-constructed spacecraft.

他的理论帮忙美国研制了地对地导弹和宇宙火箭,并且,他在导弹和宇宙飞船空气动力学和导航系统方面作出了杰出的贡献。His theory helped the United States developed a ground-and space rockets, and he in the missile and spacecraft aerodynamics and navigation systems, has made an outstanding contribution.