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没有输出?No output?

任何的输出品列出在一。Any export listed in a.

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这是你们的输出品。That is what you export.

单声道线路输出,唱机插座。Mono Line-out, phono socket.

输出每年超过输入。Exports yearly exceed imports.

修复控制台的输出,分别。Fix of the console output, resp.

产品整列输出。The product falls in the output.

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向控制台打印输出结果。Print the results to the console.

向外界发送输出结果。Send output to the outside world.

停止播放时输出高电平脉冲。Busy High Active, Stop High Pulse.

是输出缓冲地。GND is the device internal ground.

制作一个基于质量的输出文件。Makes a quality-based output file.

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咖啡是巴西的主要输出品。Coffee is a major export of Brazil.

糖是中国的主要输出品之一。Sugar is one chief export of China.

设计结果输出模块。The module of design result output.

可以输出的功就越多。The more work we can get out of it.

将变量添加到输入和输出。Add variables to inputs and outputs.

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空结果集将不产生输出。An empty result set emits no output.

解码芯片有两路电流输出。Chip DAC's have two current outputs.

作为显示输出的总标识表记标帜。Display the total mark as an output.