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人们还坚信沙金石能增强领导者气质,配戴沙金后行为会更果断,直觉能力会更强。It is also believed to enhance leadership qualities allowing the wearer to act decisively , with strong intuitive power.

她成了美国画家约翰辛格沙金和詹姆斯迈克尔维斯特还有作家詹姆斯亨利的朋友。She became good friends with the American painters John Singer Sargent and James McNeill Whistler and the writer Henry James.

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紫坪铺水利枢纽工程位于四川省西部的岷江上游,映秀至都江堰市沙金坝河段上。Zipingpu Multi-purpose Dam Construction Project is located at Yingxiu-Dujiangyan reach, upstream of Minjiang river, west Sichuan.

早期淘金热的时光一去不复返了,那时的淘金者,就像传说中的“先驱49人”一样,仅仅是从溪水中通过简单的过滤获得天然沙金。The days are gone when most gold was gathered by people like the “49ers” of California’s gold rush, who merely sifted water to remove nuggets.

综合研究表明,开挖边坡受控于地层岩性、沙金坝向斜构造、微地貌等多重因素。Based on the researches of the excavated slopes, the slopes are controlled by multiple factors such as rock stratum, geo-structure, geomorphic etc.

据考证,绒沙金工艺起源于意大利,后由香港引入国内,是近几年流行的高档黄金礼品。According to the research process, alluvial gold originated in Italy, Hongkong after the introduction of domestic, is popular in recent years, high-grade gold gifts.

可制作镭射、网纹、沙金、亮金、磨沙、珠光、水晶、镂空、黑镍、隐形等各种效果的产品。It could manufacture products with the effects of laser, crazing, placer gold, bright gold, grit finish, pearl light, crystal, hollow cutting, black nickel and invisibility.

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县城东部的沙金自然林区,总面积36万亩,有大小旅游景点20多处,怪石林立,溪水多色,令人流连忘返。Alluvial gold in eastern county of natural forest, with a total area of 36 mu, there are 20 scenic spots in various sizes, numerous rock formations, streams multi-color, forget it.

岷江上游盛产沙金,矿产资源的开发以金矿为主,起到了繁荣边区、充实国家财政等作用。There is much gold dust in the upstream areas of Mingjiang River, and the utilization of the gold mine were the core of that of mineral resources, which had prospered the border area.

深圳天禅绒沙金采用的是金银铜为原材料,电铸件是空心的,有些厂家采用的是树脂的胚体,工艺和价值都会有所不同。Shenzhen Zen alluvial gold velvet with gold, silver and copper as raw material, the electric casting is hollow, some manufacturers use is resin embryoid body, process and value will vary.

采用绒沙金工艺,一粒一粒金沙,用她自己的语言述说着长安的千年文化,在金色的艺术里,用他的特殊的魅力,映衬着绿的活力。Adopt flocking alluvial gold craft, a grain by a grain of sands, with her own language told the millennium with enterprise culture, the golden art, with his special charm, against the green vigor.