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我们乘便造访一下约翰吗?Shall we drop in on John?

爱神曾造访过一位希腊少女。Love visited a Grecian maid.

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一只老鸭前来造访母鸭。An old duck visits the mother duck.

不要在人家吃饭时间前后去造访。Never make a call at meal time thereabout.

当我造访时他正在帆布吊床上打瞌睡。He was dozing in the hammock when I called.

不要在人家吃饭时间前后去造访。Never make a call at meal time or thereabout.

每天有几多推销员造访伊文思师长教师呢?How many salesmen call on Mr. Evans every day?

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感谢各位专程远道造访本公司。Thank you for coming all the way to my company.

那天晚上,有三个鬼魂造访了斯克鲁奇。That night, Scrooge is visited by three ghosts.

神的恩典造访也常不期而至,意外忽来。God comes with an unannounced invasion of mercy.

请问您最常造访的化妆保养品网站类型?Which type of cosmetics website do you usually visit?

我发现灵感总是在最不寻常的时间造访。I've noticed that I get inspired at the weirdest times.

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考伯对邻居们的即兴造访从2007年夏天一直延续到2008年。His impromptu visits took place from summer 2007 to 2008.

她在造访罗马时,从喷水池里拿了几个硬币。On a visit to Rome, she takes some coins from a fountain.

流行病学家也造访了该厂。Ruth Lynfield, the state epidemiologist, toured the plant.

四十二次联合国特使的造访没有促成任何改变。Forty visits by UN envoys have failed to elicit any change.

每年造访一个您从未履足过的住址。Once a year go someplexpert you've never felt prior to now.

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奥斯汀频繁造访伦敦并在巴斯寓居多年。Austen frequently visited London and lived in Bath for years.

我也曾受过天使和魔鬼的造访,但是我都把他们支走了。I too am visited by angels and devils , but I get rid of them.

现如今,我们更有可能在造访亚洲时被其现代化程度吓一跳。Trips to Asia are now more likely to startle us with modernity.