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这就是,肉体复活的概念“bodily resurrection."

这肉体只是一具皮囊!This flesh is only flesh!

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去吧,灵魂,你这肉体之客。Go, Soul, the body's guest.

灵魂使肉体有生命。The soul animates the body.

灵魂能脱离肉体吗?Can the soul be disembodied?

我们是会深谋远虑的肉体We are bodies that can plan.

两种观点都承认肉体的存在Both sides believe in bodies.

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我们从肉体视角考虑。Let's consider the body view.

有较强地团队协作肉体。There is a strong team spirit.

我们是会逻辑推理的肉体We are bodies that can reason.

那肉体理论者该怎么做呢?What's the body theorist to do?

他的肉体就是宇宙本身。His body is the universe itself.

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肉体意味着躯体和物质。Corporeal means bodily ,material.

因为肉体将我束缚。For I am bound with fleshly band.

我的肉体当然是存在于空间的某处My body certainly has a location.

不会是肉体上的,但我会整到他…Not physically, but I'll get him.

所以肉体不再具有生命力So the body is no longer animated.

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它标志着肉体的胜利。It marks the triumph of the carnal.

愿我的名字永远和肉体同埋。My name be buried where my body is.

肉体复活会在审判日发生。That would happen on Judgement Day.