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东汉辞赋家、散文家、书法家。Han Fu family, essayist, calligrapher.

东汉时称为刺,故名片又称名刺。Han dynasty, so called ci card, say again MingCi.

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东汉时称为“刺”,故名片又称“名刺”。Han dynasty, so called "stab" card, say again "MingCi".

马融是我国东汉时期著名的教育家。Marong was a famous educator in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

相传,在东汉时期有一妖怪为祸人间。Legend has it that there was a devil in Dynasty of Dong Han.

东汉末年,剑气又变为朝云和暮云。The Eastern Han Dynasty, and become the asagumo and Muyun sword.

由秦历西汉、新莽、东汉诸王朝,迄于公元221年,共历时441年。It had been 441 years from Qin Dynasty to East Han , since 220 B.

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姜诗,东汉四川广汉人,娶庞氏为妻。Jiang Shi was a man of Guanghan, Sichuan in the East Han Dynasty.

东汉光武帝时,洛阳令董宣便是其中典型的一员。Han Guangwu, the directors declared that Luoyang is a typical one.

西汉、东汉王朝为其确立阶段。Western Han and Eastern Han dynasties are its establishment stage.

普遍认为纸由蔡伦在东汉时期发明。It is widely accepted that paper was invented by Cai Lun in the Eastern.

有关普洱的历史可以追溯到东汉时期。The history of pu-erh tea can be traced back to the Eastern Han Dynasty.

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然而,他的积极用世精神独步当时,是东汉末年著名的儒家学者。But he was a famous scholar of Confucianism because of his active spirit.

东汉时的某一年,河南一带,饥荒严重。One year in the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a serious famine in Henan.

在墓地周围发现了一条较为罕见的东汉时期的隍壕。Has discovered a rarer Eastern Han Dynasty time trench around the cemetery.

东汉末年,曹操在镇压农民起义的过程中,建立起一支强大的军队。He built up a powerful army in the course of suppressing peasant uprisings.

发明者是东汉著名的科学家张衡。The inventor was Zhang Heng, a famous scientist in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

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王充是东汉杰出的无神论思想家。Wang Chong is an outstanding ideologist of atheism in the East Han dynasty.

普遍认为纸由蔡伦在东汉时期发明。It is widely accepted that paper was invented by Cai Lun in the Eastern Han.

董永故事自东汉开始流传,迄今不断。Dong Yong story has spreaded from Han Dynasty, never stopping so far as today.