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他们俩人是一路货色。They are two of a kind.

你可买了一辆次等货色了。You’re really bought a lemon.

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伏拉雷也是同样的货色。Volare was in that same category.

他们是一路货色,同流合污。They are tarred with the same brush.

他告诉我的只是些半真半假的货色罢了。What he told me was only half-truth.

本报盘以货色未售出为条件。The offer isn"t subject to prior sale."

货色齐全。Goods of every description are available.

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中国的海空军只是二流货色。The Chinese are second rate sailors and airmen.

这兄弟俩真是一路货色。The two brothers are really birds of a feather!

詹姆决不会为这样的货色抛弃我。Jaime would never abandon me for such a creature.

卖完这些货色会花你多久?How long will it take you to sell out these goods?

我喜欢天天学新货色。I like to apprentice new attenuategs anytimey day.

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保罗·瑞安先生提出的被大肆宣传的议案也是一样的货色。So is the much-hyped proposal by Paul Ryan, the G.

本公司货色齐全,花色多样,任凭挑选。We have a good assortment of goods to choose from.

随函附上1204号货色的发票一式三份。Enclosed is our invoice in triplicate for Art. No. 1204.

请立刻将这些货色运往伦敦船埠。Please deliver these goods immediately to the London dock.

你觉得你自己只是个二流的货色,而且你永远不可能成为一流的。You think you're second-rate and there's nothing you can do.

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店东签定了控诉书,指控他们在店里扒窃货色。The storekeeper signed a complaint accusing them of shoplifting.

假如市场上的某一种货色希少,你便可以出高一些的代价来出售。If there is less of a product, you can sell it for a higher price.

他们都认为她和她的男朋友是一路货色。They all thought that she and her boyfriend were birds of a feather.