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那些家禽是关在笼子里养的。The poultry are kept in a cage.

我们知道如何隔离家禽。We know how to isolate poultry.

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你们用什么饲料喂养家禽?What do you feed the poultry on?

家禽类的菜有哪些?What poultry dishes do you serve?

家禽正在啄谷吃。The fowls are pecking at the corn.

班热博士饲养家禽、猪和羊。Dr Binger keeps poultry, pigs and goats.

他们通常用谷糠煮成的湿饲料喂养家禽。They usually feed a moist mash to fowls.

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睡觉的狐狸捉不到家禽。起来!起来!The sleeping fox catches no poultry. Up! Up!

准备食物,特别是生肉或家禽Preparing food, especially raw meat or poultry

受惊的家禽向四面八方逃去。The affrighted poultry fled in all directions.

家禽鸟类,红原鸡的后代。Offspring or descendants considered as a group.

猪,家禽,牛,马,宠物和鱼。Swine, Poultry, Ruminant, Horse, Pets and Fish.

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禁止饲养家禽、家畜等宠物。No poultry or pets are allowed in the dormitory.

该病例曾与其家附近的家禽有接触。The case had contact with poultry near her home.

1月5日,一名19岁的北京女孩在屠宰家禽之后,死于禽流感病毒,官方说。bird flu after handling poultry, officials said.

标签适用于鲜肉,家禽,鱼,食物,蔬菜和坚果。fresh meats, poultry, fish, foods, veges and nuts.

政府捕杀狐狸,獾和其他食肉动物以保护家禽。The agency kills foxes, badgersf and other predators.

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疫苗接种能保护家禽,但费用可能会很高。Innoculation can protect poultry, but could be costly.

还有的家庭摊点出售牝牛,家禽和小兔等。Other families are selling heifers, chicks and rabbits.

食物一定要煮熟,尤其是肉类、家禽类以及蛋类。Fully cook your food, especially meat, poultry and eggs.