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法院共审理知识产权民事案件2460件,审结1985件。Courts tried 2460 civil cases about IPR, and resolved 1985 cases.

已审结之案件,自收受案件样品至最终审结日止,每件平均工作日数为19.2日。The average processing time to conclude a case was 19.2 business days.

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审结的37件案件中,19件案件的被告人年龄不足30岁,其中年龄最小的仅21岁。Including 37 cases, 19 cases of defendants under 30 years of age, the youngest only 21 years old.

第一百五十九条人民法院审理对判决的上诉案件,应当在第二审立案之日起三个月内审结。Article 158 he judgment and the written order of a people's court of second instance shall be final.

全国地方法院共受理和审结垄断民事一审案件7件和8件。The numbers of civil cases involving monopoly accepted and closed by all courts were 7 and 8 respectively.

尽管这项裁决并没有以完全对中微半导体有利的方式审结这个案件,但也代表了中微半导体暂时性的胜利。The ruling represents an interim win for AMEC although it does not resolve the case entirely in AMEC's favor.

自2000年底至今,在以上两个仲裁委员会担任仲裁员审结案件二百余件。As an arbitrator of these two arbitration institutions, she arbitrated law cases over 200 from the end of 2000.

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本案必须以另一案的审理结果为依据,而另一案尚未审结的。Where the case in question must base itself on the outcome of another case whose hearings have not yet concluded, and.

他自信地表示,从1998年达汶波特审结的案件裁定裸体舞蹈是一种艺术来看,这一举止仍是合法的行为。He expressed confidence that nude dancing would remain legal, referring to a 1998 case in Davenport that found it an art.

这份仍未审结的议案鼓励医生通过治疗和教育的手段帮助瘾君子戒烟。Under the mooted law, doctors will be encouraged to help addicts kick the habit with treatments and education programmes.

第一百五十九条人民法院审理对判决的上诉案件,应当在第二审立案之日起三个月内审结。Article 159 The people's court trying a case on appeal shall conclude the case within three months after docketing the case.

第八十七条海事法院审理船舶碰撞案件,应当在立案后一年内审结。Article 87 A case of ship collision shall be tried and concluded by the maritime court within one year after filing of the case.

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第一百六十五条人民法院受理选民资格案件后,必须在选举日前审结。Article 165 After entertaining a case concerning voting qualification, a people's court must conclude the trial before the election day.

第一百六十五条人民法院受理选民资格案件后,必须在选举日前审结。Article 165 After entertaining a case concerning voting qualification , a people's court must conclude the trial before the election day.

第一百六十五条人民法院受理选民资格案件后,必须在选举日前审结。Article 165 After a people's court has accepted a case concerning the credentials of voters, it must conclude the case before the election day.

人民法院审理对判决的上诉案件,应当在第二审立案之日起三个月内审结。The people's court shall complete handling resolved appellant cases within three months after they have been placed on files for second instance.

第八十七条海事法院审理船舶碰撞案件,应当在立案后一年内审结。Article 87 A maritime court trying a case involving collision of ships shall conclude the case within one year after placing the case on the docket.

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第一百三十五条人民法院适用普通程序审理的案件,应当在立案之日起六个月内审结。Article 135 A people's court shall complete the adjudication of a case to which ordinary procedure is applied within six months after the case is accepted.

第一百三十五条人民法院适用普通程序审理的案件,应当在立案之日起六个月内审结。Article 135 A people's court trying a case in which the ordinary procedure is followed, shall conclude the case within six months after docketing the case.

1987年至2007年,全国法院受理和审结的一审知识产权行政案件,分别为4675件和4613件。Between 1987 and 2007, 4675 IPR-related administrative cases were accepted by courts throughout the country and 4613 cases were brought to trial and concluded.