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我们已在城市远郊找到一处美丽的安静之地。We have found ourselves a beautiful exurban retreat.

这个风景区位于北京的西北远郊。The scenic spot is on northwestern outskirts of Beijing.

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近郊和远郊人口的迅猛增长。The exceptionally fast growth of populations in the suburbs and exurbs.

2004年,布什因在人口日益增长的远郊和乡村地区大幅度领先而获胜。In 2004, Bush won by substantial margins in growing exurban and rural areas.

丧失抵押物赎回权和较昂贵的通勤费用使得偏僻的近郊或远郊发展缓慢。Foreclosures and costlier commutes have laid low the distant suburbs, or exurbs.

北京各城区、远郊县及北京近郊皆有分部,请电话咨询。Beijing the city, suburban counties and suburbs Jie Beijing branch, please telephone consultation.

由于过多未售出及被取消赎回权的房屋的存在,该城市的远郊出奇的安静。The city’s outer suburbs are eerily quiet, thanks to the preponderance of unsold and foreclosed homes.

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每天半球形的玻璃摄像头越来越多,远郊居民防守大门的心理也有扩散到城里的趋势。Every day the glass-domed cameras proliferate, and the gateguarded mentality of the deep suburbs threatens to invade our cities.

同时对武汉市近郊、远郊的范围进行创新性划分并提出环城游憩地开发的创新措施。While the essay gives a compartmentalization of suburb and some proposals on the promotion of Recreational Belt around Metropolis.

尽管雅典市中心挤满了骚乱者,而出租车司机正在罢工,地铁乘客仍然能以每小时48英里的速度从比雷埃夫斯港前往远郊。Even as rioters crowd central Athens and taxi workers strike, Metro passengers race at 48 mph from the Port of Piraeus to the far suburbs.

密云县属北京的远郊县,是祖国古老的城镇之一,有着悠久的文化历史和美丽的传说以及保存完整的古建筑。As a far-fotrh of Beijing city and one of antiquated towns of China, Miyun county has centuries-old history, fair legends and intact buildings.

他说,此类模式往往开始于公司从城市迁至郊区,诱使职工也搬迁至较为便宜的远郊。Such a pattern tends to begin with companies moving out of a city to a suburb, enticing workers to move to less-expensive outer suburbs, he said.

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逃亡者称1966年的国家队被强迫安置在远郊居住并在艰苦的条件下强迫劳役。But escapees also said members of the 1966 team were relocated to remote locations in the countryside and forced to live and toil under harsh conditions.

为避免地球的业主们与宇宙的其他社群接触,我们的星球被困在银河系远郊三四流的不毛之地。To keep Earth inhabitants away from the rest of the universe community, our planet was stuck way out in the boondocks at the rim of a second-rate galaxy.

论文既注重金山区现实问题的解决,同时也用超前的眼光来审视远郊城区发展社区卫生服务的相应对策和思路。The subject lies in pass to research the reform and development of jinshan area, finds out new methods for far suburb's community health service development.

最初,海瑟只是出于想获得驾照以不时”逃离“拥挤的北京和生活在十三亿人中的那种压抑感而在距城市几小时车程的远郊租了一个房子。Initially, Hessler says, he wanted to get a driver's license in order to escape periodically from the bustling city of Beijing and the intensity of living among 13 million people.

金山区作为上海的远郊,由于师资队伍的短缺,近几年从外省市引进的青年教师比例不断攀升。Jinshan District of Shanghai's outer suburbs, due to the shortage of teaching staff, in recent years, imported from other provinces and cities rising proportion of young teachers.

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总统瓦塔拉藏匿在阿比让市远郊的一座旅馆里,他号召他的支持者们进行“埃及那样的革命”,从而导致上周暴力活动犹为猖狂。The past week has been particularly violent following a call by Mr Ouattara, holed up at the Hotel du Golf on the far side of town, to his supporters for an "Egyptian-style revolution".

普通地面交通因速度慢、运能小等因素不应成为联系市区与远郊区之间的主要交通方式。将地铁线路向远郊延伸因成本高也并非上策。But the low speed and the small volume of traffic of the normal urban traffic means hinders its development, and the stretch of a railway line to the suburban areas will be too expensive.

曾仅局限于一线城市的中国房产热已以不可抵挡之势涌入一些穷乡僻壤,这不免让人想起当年美国向一些远郊地区如内陆帝国等地的膨胀。China's real estate rush, once confined to a handful of leading cities, has spilled into the hinterlands with a ferocity reminiscent of American expansion into exurbs like the Inland Empire.