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按下左,右箭头键踯躅。Press the left and right arrow keys to ambulate.

当然,准备行走的病人,运动神经完全恢复是必须的。Of course, before attempting to ambulate a patient, it is essential to ensure that all motor block has resolved.

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这位老先生术后复原情况良好,并在一年后已能靠枴杖的帮助行走。The postoperative course was uneventful and the patient could ambulate with the aid of a walker at 1-year follow up.

人类与其他脊椎动物重要不同是人类以完全竖立的姿势行走。An important difference between humans and other vertebrates is the fact that humans ambulate in a fully erect position.

到了周一清晨,我们起床后发现了一些年轻的枪手,他们控制了酒店,在周围不停走动。On the Monday morning after get up, we found some young gunners, they control the hotel, around in ambulate ceaselessly.

经过复健治疗,病人可以行走,步态接近正常,日常生活活动亦可独立完成。After strenuous rehabilitation, he was able to ambulate without any assisting device and could perform daily activities independently.

九例病患最终得到完全负重步行,一例病患须辅助步行。Nine patients achieved full weight-bearing ambulation without heel ulceration while one patient was able to ambulate with crutch assistance.

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随机分组后,不使用矫形器组的病人即刻被鼓励行走,保持脊椎中立位8周。Patients in whom no orthotic was used were encouraged to ambulate immediately following randomization, maintaining "neutral spinal alignment" for 8 weeks.

孤单的影子踯躅在这皓月下,秋风凉爽袭袭,淡淡的菊香扑鼻,酒香伴着浓浓思乡情,泪眼朦胧!Lonely shadow ambulate in the bright moon, autumn cool attack attack, subtle Juxiang tangy, wine with deep homesickness, misty! Night birds chirping, sigh!

有1名患者尽管出现进行性创伤性关节病变,但须切开复位内固定翻修术后18年仍能继续使用自己的髋关节行走,没有使用辅助设施,也没有疼痛表现。Despite progression of traumatic arthrosis, 1 patient continues to ambulate without assistance or pain on her native hip, 18 years after the revision open reduction and internal fixation surgery.