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第五列的说明的是关于度数的每个区间的守护星体。The fifth column shows the degrees where rulership by term transfers.

在王权的相关研究中,女王的王权是-特殊但边缘的议题。Female rulership is a special but marginal topic among studies of kingship.

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波瓦坦从其父手中继承了帝国统治权,这个帝国一开始由六个部落组成。Powhatan had inherited rulership of an empire of six tribes from his father.

政权落在官员手中,已经四世了。It has been four generations since rulership has been seized by the officials.

DAYDAYTALK中的政治局委员会统治将带来更多的权力斗争…In the DAYDAYTALK, the rulership by committee will bring more jockeying for power.

几乎大部分占星理论来自埃及,比如守护星系统理论。The lots are almost certainly Egyptian as well as most of the systems of rulership.

首领官邸能够彰显统治权威,从而提高城邑公共健康和人口增长。The Palace allows for greater rulership over the populace. This increases public order health and growth.

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人建立自己的政府和统治的努力失败了,这是合宜的。How appropriate that all the efforts of man to establish his own form of government or rulership have failed.

在天王星被发现并且被视为水瓶座的守护行星前,土星一直拥有对摩羯座和水瓶座的双重统治的。It originally held dual rulership over both Capricorn and Aquarius until Uranus was discovered and assumed the rule of Aquarius.

犹大在今生对金钱的巨大的欲望使他失去了美好的永生的赐福和与基督在神国里施行统治的机会。Judas' desire for money in this life lost him the wonderful blessing of everlasting life and rulership with Christ in the kingdom.

一个不怎么讨人喜欢的看法是关于根据血统继承领导权力的统治者的。A less flattering view is of the inbred rulers whose chief right of rulership is the memory of their great grandfathers' deeds as king.

哈迪斯和他的兄弟宙斯、波塞冬一起打败了提坦,获得了宇宙的统治权,掌管冥界、天空和海洋。Hades and his brothers Zeus and Poseidon defeated the Titans and claimed rulership over the universe ruling the underworld, sky, and sea.

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天蝎座原本受火星主宰,十九世纪发现冥王星后,占星学家才将主宰权指定给这个神秘的行星。Scorpio was ruled by Mars until Pluto was discovered in nineteen thirty, then astrologers reassigned the rulership to this mysterious planet.

与精灵那以家庭为单元的社会不同,Eladrin社会结构拥有与人类类似的贵族和权贵阶层。Eladrin society has more in common with the human structures of nobility and rulership than it does with the family-based society of the elves.

只要你的统治地位被完全的承认你的虚荣心也得到了满足,你将是非常忠诚和具有保护欲的,但你真正需要的是自我鼓励。You are supremely loyal and protective, so long as your rulership is acknowledged by the rest of the pride, but you do require appropriate ego-massage.

亚当和夏娃把这世界的所有统治权都完全交给了撒旦,但是耶稣基督作为第二个亚当夺回了管理和统治的权柄。Adam and Eve handed over the complete rulership rights of the world to Satan, but Jesus came as the second Adam to take back the rights to rule and reign.

这个辩论在1559年之后虽沈寂过一段时间,但1567年苏格兰玛丽女王流亡到英格兰后,女性统治权又再度成为显著的议题。Although the debate cooled down for a while after 1559, the emergence of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, in 1567, prompted a renewed discussion of female rulership.

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记著,商业夥伴也归这个宫管,加上短暂的于你日常生活出现的单对单关系也是。Remember that business partnerships come under the rulership of this house, as well as those momentary one-on-one situations you encounter in your daily activities.

根据星体天性与座落星座位置的不同,各星体对于生活各层面的事务所生的影响效用皆不同。When a planet is outside of its own sign, it provokes on thing because of its position in the house it occupies, and another because of its rulership in another house.