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英格兰诉讼本质上是调查审问式的。An English information was inquisitorial in nature.

——跟被派去蒙太罗调查的特使的态度的不耐烦形成共鸣。echoes the same impatience as that of the inquisitorial emissaries in Montaillou.

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听了这话,马尔福和一些调查行动组的成员笑得更开心了。Malfoy and a few of the other members of the Inquisitorial Squad laughed some more at that.

下次听证会将以不同的方式进行,以尽可能淡化审判似的气氛。The next hearings will be structured differently in order to minimize the inquisitorial atmosphere.

随着封建制度的建立,弹劾式诉讼构造逐步被纠问式诉讼构造所代替。With the establishment of feudalism, the inquisitorial model takes the place of the accusatorial model.

实质听证或审讯,一般采用讯问方式而作对抗形式。Substantive hearing or trial, where an inquisitorial method is adopted rather than an adversarial method.

在审问式模式中,法官处于主导地位,当事人处于消极地位。While in the inquisitorial approach, the judge holds dominant position and the accused holds inactive position.

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我国民事再审程序由于受前苏联的影响,职权主义色彩十分浓厚。Owing to the impact of the former Soviet Union , the civil retrial procedure of our country is strongly inquisitorial.

大陆法系国家的民事审判多少还是带有一些“纠问式”的性质,具有一些官僚特征。Civil law countries the number of civil trials or with some "inquisitorial" in nature, have some bureaucratic characteristics.

他走近了她,一种严酷的眼光却因意识到她来看他的情分而稍稍软化。He came toward her, his inquisitorial eye softened a little by his consciousness of the affection that had inspired her visit.

在调查制度的审判,法官适用法律和认定事实,他自己的积极调查,并询问在审判。In the inquisitorial system of trial, the judge applies the law and finds the facts by his own active investigation and inquiries at trial.

受职权主义惯性思维的影响,刑事诉讼中对抗制所具有的交涉-说理机制被忽视。Influenced by the inertia of inquisitorial thoughts, the exchange and persuasion mechanism of adversary system in criminal lawsuit is neglected.

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事实上,基金会的一些高级执行官仍然认为盖茨先生可以用质问的方式要求富人捐款。Indeed, some senior executives at his foundation say they wish Mr Gates would bring more of that inquisitorial manner to his conversations with them.

这个权利起源于反抗中世纪教会法庭的审问程序和英国的秘密私刑审判。The origins of the right go back to objections against the inquisitorial proceedings of medieval ecclesiastical tribunals as well as the British Courts of Star Chamber.

这个系统是要对比什么是一般所谓的调查制度,主要用于国家的民法传统,如法国和德国。This system is to be contrasted with what is generally called the inquisitorial system, which is used in countries of the civil law tradition such as France and Germany.

本文对侦查构造的基本含义进行了深入探讨,并对侦查构造的两种基本类型即审问式侦查构造与对抗式侦查构造进行了比较研究。This thesis probes deeply into the basic definition of investigation structure and research comparatively on two basic types of investigation structure, namely inquisitorial and adversarial.

在类似于法国和德国这些有讯问制法律传承的国家里,只有部分电子搜索的结果使用于案件,因为证据的相关性主要由法官来决定。In countries such as France and Germany that have an inquisitorial legal tradition, e-discovery tends to be proportionate to the case, because judges largely determine what information is relevant.