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忘了保膘是一个还是五个。And a bodyguard or five.

居伊国王和麾下精锐卫队。King Guy and his bodyguard.

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他是汤姆个人的保镳。He is Tom's personal bodyguard.

我还以为洛利是我的保镖。I think Lori should be my bodyguard.

萨拉丁和麾下精锐卫队。The Sultan Saladin and his bodyguard.

塔兰托的博希蒙德和麾下精锐卫队。Bohemond of Taranto and his bodyguard.

在他身旁,一边儿站着一个保镖。A bodyguard stood at either of his sides.

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他有一支女子警卫队。He has an all-female bodyguard contingent.

据称他先前是郑的保镳。It said he previously was Jung's bodyguard.

里迟亚斯兰苏丹和他的精锐卫队。The Sultan Qilich Arslan and his bodyguard.

这位女演员的保镖皮肤黝黑,又高又帅。The actress' bodyguard was tall, dark and handsome.

在给她做保镖的日子里,陪她四处散心。In her bodyguard days, accompany her around to relax.

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利剑保镖公司安全知识讲座-第二期!!!Safety lectures – Sword bodyguard company second! ! !

瓦迪斯瓦夫国王和他的精锐卫队。King Wladyslaw and his bodyguard of hand-picked knights.

警察扮成百万富翁的保镖。A policeman masqueraded as a bodyguard of the millionaire.

居伊国王和麾下精锐卫队。King Guy of Jerusalem and his bodyguard of hand-picked knights.

清水是她的保镖,一旦出现问题,便由他出面解决。Shimizu is her bodyguard and will move in if there are problems.

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十几年接触中,卫士长李银桥只醉过这么一次。For over ten years, the chief bodyguard only got drunk this time.

站在他身边的四个保镖个个身怀绝技。Stand at him nearby of four bodyguard carry an incomparable skill.

狮心王理查和他的精锐卫队。King Richard the Lionhearted and his bodyguard of hand-picked knights.