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你去过斯洛文尼亚吗?Have you ever been to Slovenia?

胡锦涛说,中斯两国人民有着传统友谊。Hu said that China and Slovenia had a traditional friendship.

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上面的视频由斯洛文尼亚的广播电视台诚意推荐。The above video comes courtesy of Radio-Television of Slovenia.

该地块位于斯洛文尼亚什科菲亚洛卡工业区。The site plot is in the industrial area of Skofja Loka, Slovenia.

布什总统目前正赴斯洛文尼亚出席美国-欧盟峰会。The president is heading to a U. S. -European Union summit in Slovenia.

于是,在1852年,市场便推出了由斯洛文尼亚自家生产的首瓶香槟。So, the first Penina was put on the market in Slovenia by the year 1852.

斯洛文尼亚境内发现二战末期的一个乱葬冈。A mass grave from the end of World War II has been discovered in Slovenia.

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比赛结果是英格兰1-0战胜了斯洛文尼亚,以小组第二的成绩顺利出线。It ended with a 1-0 win over Slovenia and second place in the group table.

斯洛文尼亚提醒国民,若非必要,应避免前往日本。Slovenia has warned its nationals not to travel to Japan unless necessary.

而且克罗地亚和塞尔维亚都是阵中具有多名NBA水准天才球员的强硬球队。And Croatia and Slovenia are both solid European teams with NBA-level talent.

他在英格兰2比1击败斯洛文尼亚后的采访中强调了这样的观点。This opinion was reinforced by the report he received on the 2-1 win over Slovenia.

奥巴马甚至表态,除非斯洛伐尼亚愿意接收一名囚犯,否则不会会见斯洛伐尼亚总统。Barack Obama agreed to meet the Slovenian President only if Slovenia took a prisoner.

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英格兰前锋迪福上一次在国家队进球还要追溯至2009年的9月5日,对手正好也是斯洛文尼亚!Jermaine Defoe's last goal for England was also against Slovenia on September 5, 2009.

斯洛文尼亚东部,穆拉河岸的蕨草。A fern is seen on the bank of river Mura near the village of Izakovci, in east Slovenia.

斯洛文尼亚和斯洛伐克因处在欧元区而免遭货币炒家攻击。Slovenia and Slovakia were shielded from currency speculators by being in the euro area.

在世界杯英格兰对阵斯洛维尼亚比赛结束后,激动的英格兰球迷。English fans react in a London bar at the end of the England vs. Slovenia World Cup match.

1990年以来,我们已经被智利、丹麦、斯洛文尼亚和韩国超越。Since 1990, we have been passed by Chile, Denmark, Slovenia and South Korea, among others.

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斯洛文尼亚被告知,收留一囚犯就可以安排与与美国总统奥巴马会晤。Slovenia was told that taking a prisoner was the price for a meeting with President Obama.

乌克兰的苏霍鲁科夫获得银牌,斯洛文尼亚的德贝韦茨摘得一枚铜牌。Jury Sukhorukov of Ukraine won the silver, and Rajmond Debevec of Slovenia took the bronze.

在斯洛文尼亚,所有的汽车前挡风玻璃上必须贴上标签。Tags must be purchased and displayed on the windshield of all cars moving through Slovenia.