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他的胸脯上下起伏,身子也好象衰颓了。His chest heaved and his body seemed to droop.

啊,我出生高贵,却在此双翼低垂。Born to higher things, here I droop my wings, ah!

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双方同步和下垂的管制。Both isochronous and droop controls are available.

“都是中国制造,”我对他说,看到他蔫了下来。"All from China, " I tell him, and watch him droop.

但是有人说不穿胸罩胸部会下垂。But some people say without bras our breast will droop.

可调下垂,使负载共享之间的发动机,准确的。Adjustable droop makes load sharing between engines precise.

因为他们必须总是被拉扯弯曲和被引导的,所以云幻化成一缕缕的。Wisps of them lead or droop because there must always be leading and drooping.

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剩馀4倍抽取采用两级半带滤波器和升幅FIR实现。The last 4 times decimation was achieved by two half-band filters and a droop FIR.

幼虫很活跃,遇惊扰即扭动、倒退、翻滚落下,或吐丝下垂。Larvae are active, that is disturbed when twisting, back, roll down, or droop silking.

当眼脸下垂严重到妨碍视力,则治疗通常是有助益的。When the eyes droop face serious prejudice to the vision, treatment is usually helpful.

我是一朵小花,请摘下吧,切莫延迟!我担心晚了,我这朵小花就将枯萎,垂落尘埃。Pluck this litter flower and take it, delay not! I fear lest it droop and drop into the dust.

摘下这朵花来,拿了去罢,不要迟延!我怕它会萎谢了,掉在尘土里。Pluck this little flower and take it, delay not! I fear lest it droop and drop into the dust.

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我是朵小花,请摘下吧,切莫延迟!我担心晚了我这朵花将枯萎,垂落尘埃。Pluk this little flower and take it , delay not ! I fear lest it droop and drop into the dust.

就如我显得有些干涸的心脏,枝枝节节都有些力不从心的耷拉。As I have a bit dry in the heart of some of its inadequacies are all bits and pieces of the droop.

省长与速度下垂,为稳定控制,并让发动机运行,乏人照顾。The governors operate with speed droop for stability of control and allow the engines to run unattended.

“你看我,”树说,“我在风中折腰,在雨里低垂,到现在我还是我自己,我仍旧是一棵树。”"Look at me, " said the tree. "I bend in the wind, droop in the rain, yet I always remain myself, a tree. "

固态发光光源具有一个神秘的称作“光衰”的弊病,在解决这个弊病之前,固态发光光源不能取代光热灯泡。Solid-state lighting won't supplant the lightbulb until it can overcome the mysterious malady known as "droop"

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计算托辊间距的传统方法是根据输送带的最大下垂度。The traditional way on calculation of distance between two rollers is based on maximum distance of belt droop.

腿部匀速自然下垂到平坐姿势,犹如正常人坐在椅子上的感觉,自然舒适。Legs uniform natural droop to the flat seat position, as if sitting in a chair feeling normal, natural comfort.

假如我们先他们而去,他们的白发会从日出垂到日暮,他们的泪水会使太平洋为之涨潮。If we die before them, their white hair will droop every single day, and their tears will make the Pacific set in.