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请问你老人家究竟有何见教?What could your ladyship propose by it?

夫人她讨厌看到工人在她家晃悠。Her ladyship won't want workmen under he feet.

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我想夫人您很喜欢这种牌戏吧。I hope your ladyship is pleased with the game.

夫人你已经说过那是不可能的事了。Your ladyship has declared it to be impossible.

夫人伤心欲绝,于是就被惊醒了。It was so sad that Her Ladyship woke up with a start.

我并不冒充我也象你老人家一样坦白。I do not pretend to possess equal frankness with your ladyship.

也没甚说的,不过是来瞧瞧姑太太,姑奶奶,也是亲戚们的情分。I just came to call on Her Ladyship and Madam Lian, seeing as how we're related.

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相反,有些人,包括贵妇人们在内都称赞我轻盈的舞步呢。Several people, her Ladyship included, have complimented me on my lightness of foot.

我是否可以冒昧请问你夫人一声,柯林斯夫妇都好吗?May I take the liberty of asking your ladyship whether you left Mr. and Mrs. Collins well.

寒舍那个花园跟她老夫人住的罗新斯花园,只隔着一条胡同。The garden in which stands my humble abode is separated only by a lane from Rosings Park, her ladyship 's residence.

我不想假装和夫人你一样坦率,你可以问我问题,我也可以不作回答。I do not pretend to possess equal frankness with your ladyship. You may ask questions which I shall not choose to answer.

原来夫人梦见了夭折的小女儿正被红绑绳捆着要被杀掉。Her Ladyship had dreamed that her little daughter, who had died so young, had been tied up with red bands and was going to be killed.

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她老人家说一句,柯林斯先生就附和一句,他赢一次要谢她一次,如果赢得太多,还得向她道歉。Mr. Collins was employed in agreeing to every thing her Ladyship said, thanking her for every fish he won, and apologising if he thought he won too many.