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这样就导致了汽油的过度消费。The upshot is that gasoline consumption is inefficiently high.

困难在于,生产率增长本身通常很难直观的加以数量化。Unfortunately, productivity growth is itself often inefficiently measured.

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在许多情况下,饲料资源没有得到利用或被浪费,或者利用效率低。In many circumstances, feed resources are either unused and wasted, or used inefficiently.

这使她好奇为什么在他开始一脚搭两船之前她为什么没好好利用时间。It made her wonder why they had spent time so inefficiently before he had to run between two women.

我不知道任何使用关系数据库的实现如何低效地执行BDB做起来很高效的事情。I don't know of any implementation that uses a relational database to do inefficiently what BDB does efficiently.

中国国企的经营依旧没有效率、腐败丛生,但并没有引起中国经济的崩溃。China's SOEs continued to operate inefficiently and corruptly, but they did not cause China's economy to collapse.

那些接受救助的国有化的公司的难题还不仅仅是公司实体不会得到有效率的营运。The problem with large subsidized, nationalized companies isn't just that those entities will be run inefficiently.

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因为与之相反,有时多重任务可以让你充分利用那些本来不能得到有效利用的时间。Because on the contrary, multi-tasking can be a useful way to make the most of time that would have otherwise been used inefficiently.

中国国企的经营依旧低效而腐败,但未像俄罗斯一样引起中国经济的崩溃。China’s soes continued to operate inefficiently and corruptly, but they did not cause China’s economy to collapse as they did Russia’s.

在当前的状况中,有太多的手工努力来支持团队,有太多的硬件没有被有效地利用。With the current situation there is too much manual effort to support the teams, and too much hardware is being consumed inefficiently.

乍看之下,这结果似乎和「贫穷导致童工」的假设相牴触,但是在落后的乡村地区,劳动市场的运作往往欠缺效益。At first sight, the results seemed to contradict the poverty hypothesis. But in backward rural areas, labor markets often function inefficiently.

土地的分配效率低下或不公平,穷人被推向了生产力低下的土地——而这需要法律改革以及之后的实施。Land is distributed inefficiently or unfairly with the poor pushed onto unproductive land — and this requires legal reform followed by implementation.

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资源不足,使用效率低下,有时还存在资源浪费现象,在徒劳无益、可能造成损害而且没有证据基础的干预措施上耗费了资源。Resources are insufficient, and they are inefficiently used, sometimes wasted on interventions that do no good, may cause harm, and have no evidence base.

但由于人们对其性质认识不清,法律对其表现规制不力,致使其现象一直屡禁不止,具有不断蔓延之势。Because of people unclear to its character and the law inefficiently to whose its gauge, it causes the phenomenon to remain despite and spread unceasingly.

恰恰相反,它揭示了在变化无穷的市场中证券是怎样变得无效定价的,为那些愿意捕获便宜货的投资者创造了潜在的机会。Rather it shows how securities in a variety of market sectors can become inefficiently priced, creating potential bargains for those willing to hunt for them.

而企业信息网络的预警缺失或不当,导致安全事件不能及时有效的解决,给企业带来了巨大的损失。If organization's IT network is lack of proper pre-alarm, safety incidents will be solved inefficiently and ineffectively which will bring significant losses to the organization.

这一创意源自于阿洛伊西奥对学校的信息进行在线搜索,他当时发现难以在茫茫数千字的信息中找出内容,因而最好对此进行压缩。D'Aloisio got the idea when he was doing online research for school and found he was inefficiently wading through thousands of words of information that could be better condensed.

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他还怀疑,这些基金的管理效率将会很低下,大部分情况下其投资都会亏钱,而年均回报率可能只有8%左右。He suspects that most of these funds will be "managed inefficiently" in their investments, losing a lot of money in many cases, perhaps getting an average annual return of 8 percent.

这种上涨与整体公司业绩毫无关系,表明失灵的市场正对资源进行无效的配置,同时提供了反向激励。These figures bear no relationship to overall company performance and indicate a dysfunctional market allocating resources inefficiently and providing perverse incentives along the way.

它们巨贵无比,用一台数字录像机就能避开,而且没有针对性。除非有人想出了强迫人们看电视广告的方法,否则谁会买它的账呢?They're terrifically expensive, easily avoided with DVRs, and inefficiently target mass audiences. Unless somebody comes up with a way to force you to watch them, who's going to pay for them?