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会让你想起柏林It reminds you of Berlin.

米勒先生住在柏林。Herr Müller wohnt in Berlin.

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他在柏林学习物理学。He studies physics in Berlin.

我想订几张去柏林的座票。I'd like some seats for Berlin.

批评之声让柏林如芒在背。Such criticism stings in Berlin.

他指挥了围攻柏林的战役。He captained the siege of Berlin.

柏林动物园北极熊努特与蔬菜叶。Knut & a Vegetable leaf, Berlin Zoo.

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以下是记者哈利·皮尔特来自柏林的报道。More now from Harry Peart in Berlin.

至此,俄国人向柏林进发。The Russians were now heading for Berlin.

西班牙开局,柏林防御,开放变例。Ruy Lopez, Berlin defence, Open variation.

柏林动物园里的北极母熊艾卡正在打盹。Female polar bear Aika dozes in Berlin Zoo.

其中之一是Aka-Aki公司,一个在柏林的新建立的公司。One is Aka-Aki, a start-up based in Berlin.

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“”本周德·罗阿在柏林说,“其实我自己非常愿意住在民主德国。said De Rooij, now 64, in Berlin this week.

柏林位于伦敦、里加和维也纳之间。Berlin lies between London, Rega and Vienna.

固定的德国杯决赛在柏林没有打过…Fixed German Cup final not played in Berlin.

“如果我想要在洛杉矶、纽约或芝加哥找工作,结果就是不断吃到闭门羹,”他表示说,并说自己在柏林取得了些许进展。He said he had made some progress in Berlin.

乔安娜·范多娃和爱因斯坦1929年在柏林相识。Fantova first met Einstein in 1929 in Berlin.

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他在柏林的施潘道监狱中度过了40年。He spent 40 years in Spandau Prison in Berlin.

我在柏林对德国进行了6个月的研究。I studied German for about 6 months in Berlin.

他在柏林的住宅曾遭纳粹党人洗劫。His house in Berlin was ransacked by the Nazis.