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工人在给地板贴瓷砖。The worker was tiling the floor.

让我们在我们的盖瓦发动机中实现它。Let's implement it in our tiling engine.

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你同时可以选择瓷砖式的分开排列的方式打开文件。You also have the option of tiling open files.

平铺图像在某些情况下很有用。Tiling images can be useful in some situations.

该区域的目标形状可以通过选择图块的方式进行定义。The target shape of this area is defined by selected tiling method.

桌面也是可以依据铺排或放大来自订的。Wallpaper is also customizable, with options for tiling and stretching images.

招收自觉肯干的人员,愿意学习瓷砖贸易。有兴趣就请电话联系。Looking for a self motivated employee, who is willing to learn the tiling trade.

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一头驴爬到了房顶并蹦蹦跳跳,踢碎了屋顶的瓦。房屋的主人跟随其后并且快速拽了它下来,并用棍子狠狠地打它。AN ASS climbed up to the roof of a building, and frisking about there, broke in the tiling.

目前操作系统的地理信息系统提供半优化瓦发电,素-投影和世界贴砖。Currently OS-GIS offers semi-optimised tile generation, osm-reprojection and in-world tiling.

这个网站是一个英国公司平铺4-5页的网站,并没有先进的功能。This site is a 4-5 page site for a UK tiling company and will have no advanced functionality.

介绍了投影拼接显示系统中的关键技术——边缘融合处理技术。The key technology of seamless tiling of large-screen projection display system is edge-blending.

厨房选了罗马一款花砖,说是花砖其实只有白和灰两色。The kitchen chose a tiling of Roman, saying is tiling is mixed in vain only actually ash is dichromatic.

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但是彭罗斯瓷砖在接下来的几十年中却被广泛应用于建筑装饰领域中,伊斯兰艺术家特别喜欢用。Penrose tiling has, however, been widely used in the past for decoration, particularly by Islamic artists.

建筑师还添加了双层玻璃推拉窗、金属厨房用具和灰色瓷砖到公寓中。The architects have added double-glazed sash windows, metal kitchen units and grey tiling to the apartment.

浴室很大,旧的贴砖,但是一尘不染,水压很好,热水充足。The bathroom was huge! Old tiling but nevertheless, spotless. Water pressure was good and hot water aplenty.

在两个小时的会面中,我们审议了从装具到家具、油漆色板到瓷砖类型及颜色的每一项。In the two-hour meeting, we reviewed everything from fixtures to furniture, paint swatches to tiling types and colors.

PyTyle是一个致力于在不同窗口管理器中模拟平铺式窗口管理器的Python脚本。PyTyle is a Python script intended to mimic the behaviour of a tiling window manager within a different window manager.

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RUBI创建于1951年,今朝远销全球140多个国度,在修建、装修用机械和工具领域处于世界领先地位、世界名牌。RUBI, created in 1951 and present in more than 140 countries, is the world leader brand of machines and tools for tiling.

最后,提出“多阶凸包点对应匹配”的思想,用分层分段迭代的方法拼接三角面片。Finally, tiling is implemented by "mating points at multi-order convex hulls", and the iteration is done for several steps.

那个咖啡馆有没有能够让用户在网站上看第一眼便能联想到的素材,比如贴墙纸或地板砖?Does that coffee shop have wallpaper or floor tiling that users can relate to when they see it as design elements of the website?