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我们买了满满一篮子桃子。We bought a basketful of peaches.

他给了我满满一篮子桃子。He gxdye me a basketful of beaches.

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昨天他送给我们一篮子的苹果。He sent us a basketful of apples yesterday.

她的弟媳,买了一篮苹果。Her sister-in-law bought a basketful of apples.

一篮子鸡蛋全被汽车压碎。The basketful eggs were crushed to pieces by the car.

等到我们一粒一粒地把它们聚集,很快就集满一筐。When gather it grain by grain , we soon have a basketful.

我们一粒一粒地把它们收集起来,很快就会集满一筐。When we gather it grain by grain, we soon have a basketful.

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我看到他在回家路上带着一满篮蔬菜。I saw him carrying a basketful of vegetables on his way home.

蓝熊采了一大篮子,把它们带回了他的小木屋。BlueBear picked a big basketful and took them into his little cottage.

风暴当时,她从苹果园地上拣了满满一篮子苹果。After the storm she gathered a basketful of windfalls in the apple orchard.

事实上,2009年对于贝卢斯科尼来说,是闹心的一年,烦心事一箩筐。In fact, in 2009 for Berlusconi, who is Naoxin year, Fan Xinshi a basketful.

所以他拿出钱包,把整篮乌龟都买了下来,然后放到一个放生池里。So he got out his wallet and bought the whole basketful , and let them go in a Free Life Pond.

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请留意其中讽刺之处,是门徒后来要收拾剩下的食物——每人整整一篮子。Notice the irony of the disciples' having to pick up the leftovers-each gets a basketful to look at.

树人书店的门面看来不怎样,主人却有一箩筐故事。The storefront at the Shu Jen bookstore looks unassuming enough, but the owner has a basketful of stories.

如果有人保存了那些页张,今天就会有满满一篮美丽的花儿装点我们的孟加拉语文学。Had anyone preserved them they would have been to-day a basketful of flowers adorning our Bengali literature.

最后,卡米拉在维特罗斯超市查尔斯王子的有机食品品牌“公爵原作”区买了满满一篮子的食品杂货,消费28.49英镑。Finally, Camilla shelled out 28.49 pounds for a basketful of groceries from her husband's Duchy Originals brand.

而到了周二上午,相关的评论就铺天盖地了。我们从中选取了几则,大致是按各分析师对此新闻的热情度进行降序排序。On Tuesday morning, we got a basketful. A sampling of what they had say, in roughly descending order of enthusiasm.

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幸福就在我们周围,不过它常常点点滴滴地出现。一旦我们一粒一粒地留心收集,很快就会集满一筐。Happiness is all around us, but it often comes in small grain. When we gather it grain by grain, we soon have a basketful.

幸福就在我们身边,但他往往以点点滴滴的形式出现,但我们一点一滴地把它们收集起来,很快就有满满一篮子。Happiness is all around us, but it often comes in small grains. when we gather it grain by grain, we soon have a basketful.

幸福就在我们身边,它的到来却常是那么少之极少。但如果把它一点一点积累在一起,那么我们将会收获满篮子的幸福。Happiness is all around us, but it often comes in small grains. When we gather it grains by grains, we soon have a basketful.