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在634年,第一批穆斯林来到帕尔米拉。In 634 the first Muslims arrived in Palmyra.

伊斯兰国极端分子三个月前占领了帕尔米拉古城。The Islamic extremists seized Palmyra three months ago.

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2003年12月,克里斯托弗住在巴尔米拉城。In December, 2003, Christopher was living in the town of Palmyra.

在古代,帕尔米拉是叙利亚中部的一个重要城市。Palmyra was in the ancient times an important city of central Syria.

根据它的古迹判断,帕尔迈拉曾是一座美丽的城市。To judge from the ruins of Palmyra , it must once have been a beautiful city.

我们的重点是帕尔迈拉酒店——巴勒贝克褪色的辉煌的另一个例子。Our highlight is the Palmyra Hotel, another example of Baalbek's faded grandeur.

圣彼得堡,有着“北方威尼斯”、“俄罗斯的艾姆斯特丹”和“北方棕榈海滩”之称。This city was called both Northern Venice and Russian Amsterdam and Northern Palmyra.

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我们旅行的最后一程是从帕尓迈拉到大马士革,我们决定尝试乘长途汽车。For the final leg of our journey, from Palmyra to Damascus, we decide to brave the coach.

保护区将覆盖玛丽安娜岛、巴尔米拉环礁和罗斯环礁周边的珊瑚礁、岛屿和海洋。Reefs, islands, and the ocean around the Mariana Islands, Palmyra Atoll and Rose Atoll will be covered.

叙利亚国家媒体说,专家们不久将赶往帕尔米拉,对激进分子造成的破坏进行评估。State media said experts will be in Palmyra in the coming days to assess the damage done by the militants.

激进分子在叙利亚帕尔米拉附近击落一架军用直升飞机,两名俄罗斯飞行员遇难。G&M----"Militants shot down a military helicopter near Palmyra in Syria, killing two Russian pilots on board, ""

城堡被护城河环绕,只有通过吊桥才能进入。帕尔米拉城完好无损的保存下来。The castle was surrounded by a moat, with access only available through a drawbridge The city of Palmyra was kept intact.

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而在今年的早些时候,一组令人震惊的照片表明,ISIS武装分子摧毁了叙利亚古代遗迹巴尔米拉城。Earlier this year, shocking pictures showed how ISIS militants had destroyed ancient monuments in the Syrian city of Palmyra.

国际文传电讯社援引俄罗斯国防部报道,激进分子在叙利亚帕尔米拉附近击落一架军用直升飞机,两名俄罗斯飞行员遇难。Militants shot down a military helicopter near Palmyra in Syria, killing two Russian pilots on board, Interfax news agency said, quoting Russia's defense ministry.

他写一张证明书给我,向抛迈拉的人们证明我拿给他看的那些文字是真正的文字,并且其中那些已被翻译的译文也是正确的。He gave me a certificate certifying to the people of Palmyra that they were true characters, and that the translation of such of them as had been translated was also correct.