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喂,我想再买一个干酪擦板。I’m thinking of buying a new Parmesan grater

嫩菠菜配慢烤蕃茄,醋味蘑菇,帕尔玛芝士。Baby Spinach, Slow roast Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Parmesan.

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倒入剩余的阿尔弗雷多酱,撒上帕尔马干酪。Pour on remaining alfredo sauce. Sprinkle with Parmesan.

什么是真的巴尔马干酪和由谁说了算?When is parmesan cheese really Parmesan and who says so?

巴马干酪闻名世界,尤其是在法国。Parmesan cheese was renowned abroad, especially in France.

好了,我知道了。喂,我想再买一个干酪擦板。All right. Well. I'm thinking of buying a new Parmesan grater

大虾,鱼,干贝,海鲜茄汁高汤,帕玛森芝士。Shrimp, fish, scallops, seafood-tomato broth, parmesan cheese.

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表面撒上马苏里拉奶酪和帕尔玛干酪。Top with the mozzarella cheese and the remaining Parmesan cheese.

在一个中等大的碗里把车达芝士、杰克芝士和帕米森芝士搅拌在一起。In a medium bowl, toss together cheddar, jack, and parmesan cheeses.

洋葱,烟肉,火腿,帕玛臣芝士及蛋黄奶油汁。Onion, bacon, ham, and parmesan cheese in a creamy sauce with egg yolk.

酱汁是用奶油、油、脂奶酪和白辣椒粉做的。The sauce is made with cream, butter, parmesan cheese and white pepper.

取出后洒上罗勒丝和帕尔玛乾酪,趁热食用。Take out from oven, top it with basil and parmesan cheese, and serve hot.

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在上面的片段里你会看到一个在做巴尔马奶酪风味的空气的厨师。In the clip above you can see a chef making a parmesan cheese flavored air.

罗马生菜,培根粒,烤面包块,意式干奶酪和凯撒沙拉酱。Romaine lettuce, bacon bits, croutons, parmesan & home-made caesar dressing.

完成后再洒上意大利干酪粉或羊乳酪屑就大功告成了。Mix in pasta. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese or crumbled feta on top before serving.

食前洒上新鲜罗勒叶、帕玛森芝士和橄榄油。Sprinkle on some fresh basil leaves, parmesan cheese and olive oil before serving.

茄子两面都变成焦黄色之后,加入番茄酱和巴马干酪。After both sides are fried to a golden brown, add tomato sauce and Parmesan cheese.

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帕玛森说,生活在高海拔地区的树负鼠境遇尤其危险。Parmesan says tree possums that reside in high elevations are particularly in danger.

适合与英国切达干酪、意大利干酪、烤吞拿鱼伴豆沙律或奶油意大利面食。Rich aged Cheddar and Parmesan. Char-grilled Tuna with bean salad or creamy pasta dishes.

洋葱碎,蒜茸面包丁,橄榄,烟肉碎,松子仁,核桃仁,芝士粉。Chopped Onion, Garlic Croutons, Olives, Chopped bacon, pine nuts, walnuts, Parmesan cheese.