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这本书是他的杰作。This book is his masterpiece.

这是一部杰作,不可不读。A masterpiece and a must-read.

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那么这件杰作在哪里呢?And where is this masterpiece?

这是他的不朽名作。It is his enduring masterpiece.

是城市艺术的至高杰作。Are the masterpiece of city arts.

您是耶洛因的杰作。You are the Elohim's masterpiece.

这是另一部杰作,不可不读。Another masterpiece and must-read.

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这本书将是他的杰作。The book would be his masterpiece.

刘易斯史诗巨制。From C. S. Lewis' Epic Masterpiece.

那一首乐曲是音乐的杰作。That number is a masterpiece of music.

九寨沟是大自然的杰作。Jiuzhaigou is the masterpiece of nature.

生命是一幅等待你挥墨泼彩的杰作。Life is a masterpiece waiting to be painted.

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这部作品是作者的成名作。This book is a masterpiece of Samuel Smiles.

它是否也能塑造成一件艺术作品呢?Can it be turned into an artistic masterpiece?

棉条和RZA联合起来创建一个杰作。Q-Tip and RZA join up to create a masterpiece.

这个雕塑真是一个镂月裁云的杰世之作。The sculpture is a highly skilled masterpiece.

它是流行音乐史上具有里程碑意义的杰作。The song remains a pop milestone and masterpiece.

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在高迪的杰作“圣家族大教堂”拍戏。Filmed at La Sagrada Familia, Gaudi's masterpiece.

所谓杰作,是编写良好的软件典范。The masterpiece is an exemplar of well-written software.

有什么能和猫女这部杰作一战的么?Can anything top this cinematic masterpiece from Catwoman?