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勒阿弗尔有权对Fifa的裁决提起上诉。Le Havre have the right to appeal FIFA's decision.

安托万•戈巴克建议沿塞纳河直到勒阿弗尔港建设大巴黎。Antoine Grumbach proposes to build the Greater Paris along the Seine right up to the harbour of Le Havre.

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在勒阿弗尔你能够很容易的找到一个住处,因为我们和三个大学生公寓有着合作关系。And it's very easy to find a flat or a room inLe havre. We have three résidences with whom we havepartnership.

在勒阿弗尔你可以很容易的找到一个住处,因为我们和三个大学生公寓有着合作关系。And it's very easy to find a flat or a room in Le havre. We have three résidences with whom we have partnership.

她在巴黎和勒阿弗尔接受教育,之后在美国呆了一段时间并在美国国会做过实习生。She was educated in Paris and Le Havre and then spent some time in the US, including a stint as an intern on Capitol Hill.

在四十八小时内发生了这么多事情,好像我们已经在勒阿弗尔呆了一个月或更久。In the space of forty eight hours so many things had happened that it seemed as if we had been in Le Havre a month or more.

欧亚项目为一年级学生提供了一个小组作业的机会,或者也可以叫做合作作业。The Europe-Asia program in le havre offers students in first year what we called the team projects, or collective projects.

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铁路寻呼机队的球探鲍彻在哈佛女子垒球联合会举办的一场比赛中寻找新星。Rail Road Pagers' Scout Boucher makes contact while at bat during a Havre Girls Fastpitch Association B-League softball game in Havre, Mont.

勒阿弗尔隔断其他首要城市也很近。比如首都巴黎也仅有两个小时的火车车程,同时里鲁昂也很近。Le Havre is also very close from the major cities, first of all, from the capital Paris-2 hours away in train-and as well very close to Rouen.

可第二天早上他们继续前往勒阿弗尔时,这些“德行的代表”却疏远羊脂球,只尖酸刻薄地瞥了一眼这位年轻女子。However, as they continue on their way to Le Havre the next morning, these "representatives of virtue" ignore Boule de Suif and glance scathingly at the young woman.

毕业于法国勒阿弗尔大学,随后进入巴黎第五法律学校并完成硕士学位。Education Graduated from Le Havre university before attending Paris X law school and later completing a master's degree at the Institut d'études politiques d'Aix-en-Provence.

勒阿弗尔校区的欧亚关系项目提供本科教育,其中历史,经济,政治学,社会学和法律是必修科目。The Europe and Asia program of le havre campus proposes teaching based on the bachelor syllabus with compulsory courses of history, economics, political science, sociology and law.

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故事发生在普法战争时期,法国鲁昂刚被普鲁士军队占领,十名鲁昂的法国居民决定乘一辆马车逃亡到勒阿弗尔。The story is set in the Franco-Prussian War and follows ten French residents of Rouen, recently occupied by the Prussians. The travelers decide to flee to Le Havre in a horse-drawn carriage.