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我讨厌失败的人,我怕和他们在一起沾上晦气!It irks me to stay with losers, for they will bring whammy to me.

使这成为一个双重冲击,包括你指导性文章中讲述的故事。Make it a double whammy and include your story in your how-to articles.

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还在添加了双重的杀菌剂土壤中生长。It also gets the double whammy of fungicides added to the soil for growing.

玛丽昨天丢车,今天丢工作,真是祸不单行。Mary lost her car yesterday and her job today. It was a real double whammy.

我昨天真是祸不单行。老板把我炒鱿鱼,我太太又吵着要离婚。Yesterday was a real double whammy. My boss fired me and my wife asked for divorce.

因此,如果美国出现严重的经济萧条,这里可能就会受到种双重的剧烈打击。So there might be something of a double whammy happening there if the US had a severe downturn.

确定了这个,就能助你避免同时丧失人力资本及金融资本的双重打击。Determining that could help you avoid the double whammy of losing both human and financial capital.

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我会称呼迄今为止的旁证,为“双重打击”。I'll call what the circumstantial evidence is so far indicating the "Double Whammy" A one, two punch.

然而房地产市场的低迷和信用贷款的紧缩给美国带来的双重打击意味着一次经济衰退很可能已经来临。But the double whammy of an ailing housing market and tighter credit means the odds of recession have risen.

在日本,问题来自于地震和海啸的双重重击。"丹顿表示。"In Japan, it's clearly the problem caused by the double whammy of having an earthquake and then the tsunami," said Denton.

不过,在国内投资疲软和外需持续走弱的双重打击下,中国GDP增速的下降幅度可能要大于预期情形。But a double whammy of weak investment at home and fading demand abroad raises the prospect of a sharper-than-expected slowdown.

但是贫困人口受到的影响是双重的,因为他们比较发达国家的人们花费收入中更大的份额来购买食物。But the poor suffer a double whammy because they also spend a larger proportion of their income on food than those in richer countries.

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彼得和简先是撞了车,随后又发现他们外出时家里被盗了。真是祸不单行。Peter and Jane had a crash in their car, and then suffered a double whammy when they found their house had been burgled while they were out.

中国经济增速放缓的迹象非常普遍,这主要是国外需求减少和国内建筑活动疲软的双重打击造成的。Signs of a slowdown are already prevalent. That comes thanks to a double whammy from fading demand abroad and weaker construction activity in China.

然后是到处发生破产,只有以色列遭受了第二次巴勒斯坦人起义和到处开始的复苏的暴力行动的双重打击。Then the crash, happened here and there. Only Israel got a double whammy of the Second Intifada and a resurgence of violence starting around the same time.

如果比尔死了,他自己将不会感受到这种经济上的影响,但苏则要对付失去比尔的悲痛和经济灾难双重打击。If Bill were to die he would not feel the financial effects himself but Sue would have to cope with the double whammy of financial disaster and grief at his loss.

冥王星是你其中一个掌管的星体,他的动向通常对天蝎座的你更有价值,没有了冥王星和木星的支持,是你的之前的双重打击。Pluto is one of your ruling planets, and his actions are always "worth" more to you as a Scorpio. It really was a double- whammy having Pluto and Jupiter out of phase.

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念力转机是一只机械玩具,由一根简单的木棍和第二根有一系列刻痕和棍尾处有螺旋桨的木棍组成的。Diddle A gee-haw whammy diddle is a mechanical toy consisting of a simple wooden stick and a second stick that is made up of a series of notches with a propeller at its end.

但尽管这些做法开始产生效果,利润率出现了提高,但索尼还是受到了其主要市场经济严重放缓和日圆走强的双重打击。But while those efforts were starting to pay off with improved profitability, Sony was hit with a double whammy of a severe economic slowdown in its key markets and a strong yen.

他把结冰期的到来和小行星撞击两者的影响说为“祸不单行”反常的导致了奇异的浮游生物和第一批肉眼可见的动物的产生。He describes the effect of the icy climate and asteroid impact as a "double whammy" that paradoxically led to the "flourishing of exotic plankton and the first macroscopic animals".