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主人家是谁?Who is the owner?

我和老板很熟。我不知道特出。I know the owner very well.

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每个进程还有一个所有者。Each process also has an owner.

医生阿尼尔k罗伊,纳米技术的拥有者。Dr Anil K Roy, owner of Nanotech.

这里的房主是叫刘清吗?Here the owner is called Liu Qing?

巴图林娜称她并非该豪宅的所有人。Baturina says she is not the owner.

劳动力所有者是会死的。The owner of labour-power is mortal.

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导盲犬可以为盲主人引路。A guide dog can lead its blind owner.

内容所有者或创建者的名称。Name of the content owner or creator.

他否认坑害过物主。He denied doing any harm to the owner.

她立上契约将其房屋转让给旧房从。She deeded her house to the new owner.

她立下契约将其房屋转让给新房主。she deeded her house to the new owner.

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有一个酒吧的老板在清晨二点锁上店门,然后回家睡觉。A bar owner locked up his place at 2 A.

我会让你看看谁是桃瑞园的主人。I'll show you who the owner of Tara is.

店老板建议他买只忠心的狗。The shop owner suggests a faithful dog.

威廉普尔特,业主普尔特的家园。William J. Pulte, Owner of Pulte Homes.

他还拥有新泽西网队。He is also owner of the New Jersey Nets.

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他是财产的法定所有权人。He is the de jure owner of the property.

他是财产的注定所有权人。He is the de jure owner of the property.

词汇表应该有一个正式的所有者。The glossary should have a formal owner.