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频尿是妇女常见的症状。Frequent urination is a common symptom in women.

他们还可以促进排尿,减少水肿。They can also promote urination and reduce edema.

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人体排泄水液的途径主要是尿与汗。The body discharges fluid through urination and sweating.

排尿障碍伴白带增多。Fourth, the urination barrier partner leucorrhea increases.

排尿中断和排尿疼痛,明显排尿困难。Interrupt urination, urination pain, and significant dysuria.

雷贝特先生是巴黎反随地小便战的一名特工。Mr. Rebete is a special agent in Paris's war on public urination.

您孩子这种情况也可能是精神性尿频。This case your child may also be the spirit of frequent urination.

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尿中出现脓细胞,有尿频、尿痛症状。There is pus in urine, frequency of urination and odynuriasymptoms.

过度机警,运动强拘,频频排尿,排便。Hyper alert, exaggerated movements, frequent urination & defecation.

割礼师会留下一个小开口用来排尿和经血。The cutter leaves a tiny opening to permit urination and menstruation.

你的排尿状况已有改善,怀特立医生已经同意你可以回家。Your urination has improved. Dr. Whitley has agreed that you may go home.

但是体积较大的卵巢囊肿会会导致盆腔痛,体重增加,以及尿频。But large cysts may cause pelvic pain, weight gain, and frequent urination.

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无论是小城镇,还是大都市,随地小便是一个全球性的现象。Whether in small towns or big cities, public urination is a global phenomenon.

限制晚上喝液体的量——尤其是含咖啡因的饮料,因为会引起排尿。Limit evening fluids — particularly caffeinated drinks, which cause increased urination.

术后观察电解质、酸碱平衡和排尿情况。Postoperatively, blood electrolytes and acid-base balance, and urination were monitored.

结论上述训练方法可改善儿排便控尿功能。Conclusion The above methods are effective in restoring defecation and urination function.

一些病人会有虚弱,疲劳以及频繁排尿症状。In some patients this may result in symptoms of weakness, fatigue, and frequent urination.

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病牛频频企图排尿,搏动坐骨弓上的尿道。The sick cow frequently attempts urination and pulsates the urethra over the ischium arch.

病牛频频企图排尿,坐骨弓上的尿道发生搏动。The sick cow frequently attempts urination and pulsates the urethra over the ischium arch.

糖尿病的主要症状是疲劳,伴随着极度口渴和经常性的小便。One of the main symptoms of diabetes is fatigue, along with excessive thirst and urination.