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阿曼是世界上最东面的阿拉伯国家。Oman is the world"s easternmost Arabian country.

一位探险者绳降进入到阿曼的马吉里斯尔金洞穴。An explorer descends into the Majlis al Jinn cave in Oman.

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阿曼地区曾经因美根的闪族人而闻名。The region of Oman was once known by its Sumerian name Magan.

位于阿曼半岛西岸,滨临波斯湾。Located in Oman peninsula west bank, in the Persian gulf coast.

一艘印度化学油轮在阿曼海岸被劫持。An Indian chemical tanker has been hijacked off the coast of Oman.

751年,伊巴底穆斯林在阿曼建立了他们统治的国家。In the year 751, the Ibadi Muslims established an imamate in Oman.

阿曼和巴林与美国签订了自由贸易协定。Oman and Bahrain have free trade agreements with the United States.

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6月3日,“钻石”在阿曼沿海达到最大强度。Phet reached its greatest intensity off the coast of Oman on June 3.

1891年,阿曼变成了英国的一个保护国,直到1971年。In 1891, Oman became a British protectorate, which lasted until 1971.

事实上,钱是最大的拉说到工作在阿曼。In fact, money is the biggest puller when it comes to working in Oman.

它是由大约公元前563年波斯王国总督所辖地构成。Oman constituted one of the Satrapies of the Persian Empire around 563 BC.

以霍尔木兹海峡和阿曼湾与阿拉伯海衔接。To the Strait of Hormuz and the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea converge.

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公司产品出口至非洲、东欧、沙特阿拉伯、阿曼及利比亚。The company is exporting to Africa, Eastern Europe, Saudi Arabia, Oman and Lybia.

你母亲就是这样一位妇女,善良、勤劳,永远值得你尊敬和爱戴。Such is my mother, a kind and hard- orking oman. I'll respect and love her forever.

孩子们在阿曼海岸线上的一个天然喷水口的水花中玩耍。Children revel in the spray of saltwater from a natural blowhole on the coastline of Oman.

在阿曼的苏丹统治东非沿岸大部分地区时,就定都在桑给巴尔。The sultans of Oman were once in Zanzibar , when they ruled much of the East African coast.

在阿曼的一个傍晚,电线杆和石油钻塔耸立在橘红色的天空下。Telephone poles and oil rigs stand silhouetted against an orange-tinted evening sky in Oman.

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基于这个理由,中国及阿曼那些躁动不安的年轻人与北非的年轻人截然不同。For this reason the restive youth of China and Oman are different from those of north Africa.

法新社报道说“钻石”在阿曼造成15人死亡,在巴基斯坦死亡数字提高到19人。Agence France-Prese reported that Phet caused 15 deaths in Oman and four more deaths in Pakistan.

阿曼使它的市场自由化,并于2000年11月加入了世贸组织。Oman continues to liberalize its markets and joined the World Trade Organization in November 2000.