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他们的行为都是公开及光明磊落。Their actions are open and aboveboard.

在这事情上,他的行为是非常光明磊落的。His part in the affair was quite aboveboard.

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生活是欺骗不了的,一个人要生活得光明磊落。——冯雪峰。Life is a cheat, a man is to live aboveboard.

这些商业交易是光明磊落的。These commercial transactions are aboveboard.

尧的目的是要让我做一位堂堂正正的正人君子。Yao asked me to be an open and aboveboard gentleman.

他参与这件事完全是正大光明的。His part in the affair was quite open and aboveboard.

⊙、即使输了,唯一该去做的就是光明磊落的去输。Even if lost, the only need to do is aboveboard to lose.

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只要一切公开,就能赢得他们的信任。You can win their trust by keeping everything aboveboard.

他是可信赖的。他被公认为诚实而光明正大的人。He is trustworthy. He is regarded as honest and aboveboard.

他一向是抛头露面,公开活动的,这没什么害怕的。He had been open and aboveboard , and there was nothing to fear.

想堂堂正正的站在民才面前的话。Thinks the open and aboveboard station in the people only then front words.

堂堂正正的人行不更名坐不改姓!Open and aboveboard person goes not more the name sits not to change a last name!

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生活的平稳让拥东已沦落成一个满嘴谎话,光明正大的人。Life already reduced the smooth let owns into a mouthful lie and aboveboard person.

完美地体现出君子坦荡荡的情怀,静思怀远的志向!Perfect gentleman aboveboard reflect the sentiments meditations Huaiyuan ambitions!

好的,没问题,你大可以光明正大地往返于座位与茶水间8次。Good, sure, you can go there and back aboveboard at seat and boiled water greatly 8.

面积从三百五十英尺到五百平方英尺不等。The breadth is about three hundred and fifty aboveboard anxiety to 5 hundred square feet.

堂堂正正做人,踏踏实实工作,认认真真学习,快快乐乐生活。The open and aboveboard personhood , the steadfast work , studies earnestly , joyful life.

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表明他光明磊落的心迹和对典狱长女儿深深眷恋。Open and aboveboard in their minds that he and the daughter of a deep love of the governor.

如果她是已婚,她可以光明正在地和你坐在一起,听你诉说心里话?If she is married, Does she can sitting with you together, and listen to your speaking aboveboard?

只要你的丈夫的行为方式完全光明正大,你们完全可以重新建立信任。You can rebuild trust, but only if your husband behaves in a manner that is completely aboveboard.