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南西·芬克是咨询中心的副主任。Nancy Fink is the Assistant Director of POAC.

1984年,戴维·科赫和理查德·芬克创立了另一个组织,也就在此时,基布加入了他们。In 1984, David Koch and Richard Fink created yet another organization, and Kibbe joined them.

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海伦·芬克及其同事已对细菌纤维素进行修复,以便于这些细胞粘附得更好。Helen Fink and her colleagues have modified the bacterial cellulose so that these cells adhere better.

马里兰再就业咨询中心副主任南西·芬克说,大部分参加过中心相关项目的求职者,最终都会找到工作。Nancy Fink says most of the people who go through her organization's programs will eventually find a job.

为了更加形象地展示这一成果,芬克和他的小组成员向我们展示了纤维在现代通讯上的潜力。To demonstrate this Dr Fink and his colleagues have also shown how the fibres can be used for communications.

林中矿地附近长着一丛丛野蔷薇,第一朵花开放了粉红粉红的,芳香扑鼻。Many a fascicle rosebush grow around the weald , the first flower bloomed in deep fink and sends out strong fragrance.

芬克为抵押贷款证券化产品辩解,说它是好东西,只是到这个世纪才变坏了。Mr. Fink also launched into a defense of mortgage securitization, calling it 'a good thing' that went bad in this decade.

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虽然在这项1期临床试验中并没有采用安慰剂进行对照,但是令我们感到鼓舞的是治疗导致的疼痛缓解作用具有明显的剂量-依赖关系。There was no placebo control in this phase 1 study, but the apparent dose-dependent pain relief was encouraging to us, " Fink says."

史蒂芬-芬克最近收到一封陌生邮件,里头有一名女子的几张裸照,遭到这名女子抛弃的前男友想羞辱她。Steven Fink recently received an unsolicited email containing nude photos of a woman whose jilted ex-boyfriend wanted to embarrass her.

Fink指出,经过去年股市大跌及债市剧烈震荡后,客户目前采取更保守的作法.After last year's sharp downturn in equity markets and chaotic swings in bond markets, clients are taking a more conservative approach, Fink said.

但根据芬克博士的设想,用这种纤维织成的材料将能够连续监测身体发出的声音,继而为健康监测提供依据。But Dr Fink imagines that fabrics woven from these fibres would be capable of continuously monitoring the sounds of the body for health screening.

他在加州理工学院和自己团队一起,已经开发出了探测机器人的软件,能让它们独立行动,并能组队合作。Together with his team at Caltech, Prof Fink has been developing software that would let a robotic explorer act independently and as part of a team.

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物料科学家、实验报告的合作者约尔·芬克说,这项技术消除了镜头的缺点,织品的整个表面区域都可以用来搜集图像。Materials scientist and co-author Yoel Fink says the technology eliminates the drawback of lenses by allowing the entire surface area of the fabric to collect images.

年,由于关系破裂,芬克离开百仕通,创办了自己的公司黑岩,将其对于神秘融资的理解与他对人天生的理解结合在一起。In 1995, in a rancorous split, Mr Fink left to establish BlackRock, his own firm, combining an understanding of ar-cane finance with an intuitive understanding of people.

根据告发人反映的情况,矿井的情况还在恶化6,凿井工人们都有不安的感觉7,害怕煤矿有一天会突然倒下8。According to what the fink said, the situation in the mines sank into crisis 6. All the sinkers had sinking feelings 7 and they were afraid that the mine would sink down 8 someday.

边纳尔普通教育学的思想渊源,主要来自于卢梭、康德、赫尔巴特、洪保特、黑格尔、史莱马赫和芬克等人的哲学和教育学思想。The starting point of Dietrich Benner's general pedagogy comes from the philosophical and educational thoughts of Ruosseau, Kant, Herbart, Humboldt, Hegel, Schleier-macher and Fink.