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请起立,唱国歌。Please stand for the national anthem.

奏国歌时大家都站立着。Everyone stood for the Natoinal Anthem.

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以色列的国歌不就是那样的小调吗Isn't that the Israeli national anthem?

乐队奏起了国歌。The band played up the national anthem.

奏国歌,请全体起立。b. Please rise for the National Anthem.

的表演,他为此次运动会创作了会歌。Rahman, who wrote an anthem for the Games.

你懂我们这首著名队歌的歌词吗?Do you know the words to our famous anthem?

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不断地颂唱庄严的国歌。Constantly hymning imposing national anthem.

嘹亮的国歌响彻云霄。The National Anthem of make the welkin ring.

今天,我们要学一首儿歌。Today we're going to learn an English anthem.

全体起立,奏国歌。All rise please. For the P.R.C.National Anthem.

人们再也没有听到吉丽唱这首歌了。Jily was never heard singing that anthem again.

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庆典开始时先奏国歌。The celebration began with the National Anthem.

音乐会在国歌声中结束。The concert concluded with the National Anthem.

联合撰写的慈善歌曲“我们是世界。Co-writes the charity anthem "We Are the World."

代表们起立唱国歌。The delegates rose and sang the national anthem.

美国国歌是星条是星条旗之歌。S. national anthem is the song Stars and Stripes.

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简单但强大的爱之歌转社会赞歌。Simple, but powerful love song turned social anthem.

“马赛进行曲”是法国国歌。"The Marseillaise" is the national anthem of France.

南韩的国歌中也提到了白头山。It is also mentioned in South Korea's national anthem.