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鲸属于哺乳动物。Whales belong among the mammals.

哺乳动物都是恒温动物。Mammals are warm-blooded animals.

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有点儿近似于哺乳动物的胎生。Quite similar to that of mammals.

哺乳是哺乳动物的本能。Suckling is an instinct in mammals.

疯狂动物城里居住着各种各样的哺乳动物。In Zootopia reside all kinds of mammals.

人和其他大多数哺乳动物都是胎生的。Man and most other mammals are viviparous.

这些澳大利亚哺乳动物是食底泥动物。These Australian mammals are bottom feeders.

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恐龙、昆虫和哺乳动物飞上了天空。Dinosaurs, insects and mammals took to the air.

据悉,这种名为睡鼠的哺乳动物是最稀有野生物种之一。The mammals are some of the rarest in the wild.

这种有翅膀的哺乳动物多亏了吸血鬼才上了万圣节鬼怪名单。The winged mammals can thank vampires for that.

一些哺乳类动物的例子是人类,猪和狗。Some examples of mammals are man, pigs and dogs.

其它取食种子的哺乳类也会引起麻烦。Other seed-eating mammals may become troublesome.

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啮齿目动物是长着大门齿的小哺乳动物。Rodents are small mammals with large front teeth.

我们也心存敬畏,浮游哺乳的巨大。We are awe-struck by enormous mammals that float.

事实上,这与哺乳动物相同。And in fact, this is how it works for all mammals.

以上均是哺乳纲长鼻目的成员。All are members of the Proboscidea order of mammals.

鸭嘴兽和针鼹是产卵哺乳动物。The platypus and the echidna are egg-laying mammals.

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铁是所有哺乳动物细胞的必需元素。Iron is the necessary element in the cells of mammals.

它们是世界上唯一的两种产卵的哺乳动物。They are the only two egg-laying mammals in the world.

在当地,另外一个叫Kichwa的部落则出售哺乳动物肉和鱼。Another local tribe, the Kichwa, sold mammals and fish.