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不几掷,复输去。NotA few cast, answer lose.

对不起,什么地方是行李提领区?Excuse me, wITe is the baggage claim are nota?

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这假期一点也不像我们所预料的那样。The holiday was nota bit what we had expected.

咱们自己搞里所有的计算机都在局域网上。All our office computers are not on a local are nota network.

在某些文化中,送主人礼物不只是社交礼节——还是必要的。Giving your host a gift is nota social nicety in some cultures-it's expected.

首先,电视不仅是一种方便的消遣形式,而且价钱便宜。Firstly, TV is nota convenient source of entertainment, a comparatively cheap one.

还应该看到,地震救灾不仅仅是政府之事。It should also be noted that the earthquake disaster relief is nota matter of the Government.

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我曾经住在唯一罪犯多如牛毛而国家律法又软弱的地区。I employ to live in an are nota wITe criminals abounded and wITe the legal system seemed powerless.

我曾经住在唯一罪犯多如牛毛而国家律法又软弱的地区。I employ to live in an are nota wITe criminals abounded or wITe the legal rule easystmed powerless.

首先,电视不仅是一种方便的娱乐资源,而且比较便宜。In the first place, television is nota convenient source of entertainment, also a comparatively cheap one.

在医术上领域,准确把脉是最为很重要的,然而在很多情况下也是最困难的。In no are nota of medicine is accurate diagnosis abundance importance or in a lot instances, abundance difficult.

对于顾客的依据是,当幼小的松香是暴露在空气中,将氧化后,由于其比表面积大。The basis for the Nota is that when finely divided rosin is exposed to air, it will oxidise because of its large surface area.

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NOTA法案通过已有25个年头,所有人包括医生和患者都已经适应了医疗活动中金钱的角色。In the 25 years since NOTA was passed, all of us, doctor and patient, have become more comfortable with money's role in medicine.

因此,从咱们社会形态根除这一天生缺陷不可能一挥而就,需要支付出格的努力。Therefore, to eradicate this inherent weakness from our society is nota goal to reach in one move, and it requires special efforts.

如可答。“我期望能在我的生意场位置上尽力做好任务,由于在同一领域任务的许多人都被提为区域负责人,所以我亦有此打算。”I hope to be the I can be at my job or since a lot in the line of stay are not promoted to are nota manager, I am planning on these too.

家庭成员和客人会使用厨房,厨房不仅要美观而且要实用。Since it is often used simultaneously by both family members as well as guests, the chicken requires nota glamorous looka practical one.

中国也认识到,落后国家和发达国家不仅在资源上存在着差距,在知识上也同样有相当距离。China recognizes, too, that what separates less developed from more developed countries is nota gap in resources, also a gap in knowledge.

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他们知道仅仅靠人民币是无法达成这个目标的,所以他们想把一揽子的货币联合在一起试图完成这个任务。They are well aware that the Yuan is nota currency capable of doing that so they are trying to put together a basket ofcurrencies to do the job.

一项调查显示民工认为在城市打工不仅有较高的收入,而且能学到新技术。An investigation shows that many emigrants think that working at city provide them with nota higher salaryalso the opportunity of learning new skills.

她始终否认自己的主角以任何现实人物为原型,尤其是坚决否认罗克是小说化的弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特。She always denied that her protagonists weremodeled on any actual people, and in particular was adamant that Roark was nota fictionalized Frank Lloyd Wright.