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我不完全是一个新手。I am not a complete newbie.

你将永远都是个新手。You will be newbie forever.

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在对新人的页面上要有些什么?What should be on your newbie page?

那个新手兽人甚至不能打到德鲁依。That newbie Orc can't even hit the Druid.

如因您正在接待仆人方外入经历,没有要担口。Don't fret if you are a newbie at hosting.

天有不测风云,尤其是个新手在“尽力而为”的时候。Shit happens, especially when a newbie is "trying his best".

我几天前刚开始玩微信,现在还处于菜鸟级别。I just started using Weixin a few days ago. I'm still a newbie.

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这两个小年轻看似有可能牵手,可是Daisy这个生涩的实习生真的适合当五月新娘的料么?Maybe, but this newbie intern is hardly May sweeps bride material.

即使当时她是如此之菜——甚至都没有穿速干袜。She was such a hiking newbie she didn't even wear moisture-wicking socks.

在中国,常见到汽车保险杠上贴着“新手上路,请多担待。”A common bumper sticker in China is "Newbie on the road, please excuse me.

例如,可以编写一组检测器,它们可以查找新手容易出现的问题。For example, you could write a set of detectors that find newbie style problems.

我们看到它们两个都是大写的,因为我们犯了一个新的错误。We're going to see them both capitalized because I've made a newbie mistake here.

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此外,让你远离居家教育新手压力,也将会成为一段美好的时光。Plus, it will be a great time to distance yourself from the newbie homeschooler stress.

然后每个人都要颤巍巍的走到最前面去做自我介绍。Then each trembling newbie had to come up to the front and briefly introduce themselves.

对于非学校教育,这些都是新问题,我在这里也不能一一作答。These are newbie questions in the world of unschooling, and I won't answer them all here.

这有一种定价机制,乍一看,就像最菜的菜鸟的提议那样愚蠢。Here’s a pricing technique that sounds, at first, like the dumbest newbie move of all time.

学习新的东西和在经验丰富的人群中当菜鸟,这都需要勇气。It takes courage to learn something new and to be a newbie in amongst more experienced people.

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中国小学生卓洪伍拜见国际资深大师级友人!新手上路请多关照!Chinese international students Zhuohong Senior Master Wu Meet friends! Newbie Nice to meet you!

这位职场新人在压力之下,已经开始学习工程学,合同法和贸易业务。The workplace newbie is already under pressure learning engineering, contract law and business.

我爸爸是一个电脑新手,学电脑的时候经常对每个步骤都做笔记。My father is a totally newbie and always takes notes of every step when he is learning computer.