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阐述了研究ASG的意义。The signification of ASG is described.

八宝中的每一宝都有它深刻的含义。Each one has its own profound signification.

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因此,研究智能家居网络的意义重大。So researches on intelligent home network have important signification.

第五章为结束语,重申了本文的写作目的和意义。Chapter five mainly restates the intention and signification of the thesis.

由此,艺术意味的生成不再是一个不可言说的问题。Therefore, the emergence of artistic signification is no longer unconceivable.

第一部分综述本论文的研究意义,主要内容等。The first part specifies the main signification and the main contents of this paper.

科学家们一直无法确定伊特鲁里亚人的刻印文字的意思。Scientists have Been unable to determine signification of most Etruscan inscriptions.

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中等职业学校骨干教师培训是一项具有战略意义的重要工作。Vocational school teacher training is an important work with strategic signification.

胶体颗粒在一定底物上的吸附对于基础胶体化学领域有着重要的意义。Colloid absorbed to some substance has great signification for base colloid chemistry.

本文通过分析这篇美文的三点艺术特色,指出其在周作人美文创作上的启示意义。The text refers to the signification of Zhou Zuoren's inditement from its three characters.

调研对于经侦工作显得尤为重要。Investigate and research work has an important signification for the economy crime detection.

说明了研究光控相控阵的重大意义,同时也阐明了本课题的意义和价值。And the signification and value of studying optically controlling phased array is also mentioned.

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你的意思是我输给庄梦蝶那妮子是很自然的一件事?Is your signification that is my losing a very natural matter for dream Die that Ni son in Chuang?

简单介绍了PKI及其微观体系结构、交叉认证的含义。PKI and its microstructure are introduced in brief, also the signification of cross-certification.

朱书数字和祭祀礼仪有关,极可能是祭祀活动时用以表示祭器陈列位序。Numbers on pottery wares may be the signification of the location and sequence of sacrificial wares.

这种调控对蝙蝠的特殊捕食行为有着重要的生物学意义。This modulation has crucial biological signification in specific prey behavior in echolocating bats.

维新变法运动时期的女子教育是国民教育的一部分,有着积极的历史意义。This period's women's education as a part of national education has positive historic signification.

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第一章界定题画词的含义及论述题画词的产生。The signification of ci lyric in paintings is defined and the birth of it is discussed in chapter one.

世上的声音,或者甚多,却没有一样是无意思的。There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification.

在阐述我国信用缺失的现象之前,探讨信用的起源很有意义。Before expatiating the phenomena of lack for credit, it is signification to discuss the origin of credit.