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这就是蒙古帝国。It was the Mongolian Empire.

我们有只稀有的蒙古兔!We have a rare Mongolian rabbit.

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你吃过蒙古烧烤了吗?Have you eaten Mongolian hot-pot?

属蒙古人种美洲支系。Mongolian race of American branch.

这里的大多数人是蒙古人。Most tof the inhabitants are Mongolian.

学校的孩子上课用蒙文。Schoolchildren use Mongolian at school.

蒙古的牛酸酸酸奶超级的女孩!Mongolian Cow Sour Sour Yogurt Super Girl!

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蒙古文文本的修订方式的定义。Definition of Mongolian text revision style.

请问这句话翻译成蒙古语应该怎么说?Excuse me, what is this sentence in Mongolian?

你去过蒙古火锅店吗?Have you tried a Mongolian hot-pot restaurant?

严格意义上的日本人属于蒙古人种。The Japanese proper are of the Mongolian race.

至此,我们的蒙古冒险之旅渐近尾声。Our Mongolian adventure was drawing to a close.

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烤全羊是蒙古民族的餐中之尊。Bake complete sheep is Mongolian meal of honour.

我有许多朋友是蒙族的。Since ancient times, Mongolian have been nomadic.

外在侗族、朝鲜族、蒙古族中也有杨氏。External Dong, Korean, Mongolian also has Young's.

这是位于北京市区的一座大型的蒙古餐厅。This is a Mongolian restaurant in downtown Beijing.

蒙文文本图像的版面分析。Layout analysis method of Mongolian document images.

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检验的19个干尸中,只有三个是蒙古人。Of the 19 mummies examined, only three are Mongolian.

1206年,成吉思汗建立蒙古汗国。In 1206, Genghis Khan established the Mongolian Khanate.

那达慕“在蒙古语中是”娱乐“或”游戏“的意思。"Nadam"in Mongolian means "amusement"or "entertainment".