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阿莉西亚什么时候洗澡?What time does Alicia take a shower?

查尔斯和玛希不能和艾丽西娅同时出现。Charles, and Marcee cannot coexist with Alicia.

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阿莉西娅自从上了大学就傲气起来了。Alicia is stuck-up ever since she went to college.

随着这部电影变得火热,艾丽西亚开始闻名于全世界。As the film became hot, Alicia started to known by the world.

作为第六季冠军,她已经和艾莉西亚·凯斯、乔纳斯兄弟一起参加了巡回演出。The season six winner has toured with Alicia Keyes and the Jonas Brothers.

艾丽西亚刚从楼梯上下来,陪同她的是她的侍女,一个面色红润的乡下姑娘。Alicia had just descended the stairs with her maid, a rosy-faced country girl.

当小动物需要帮助时,艾丽西娅·希尔维斯通总是随叫随到。When it comes to helping animals, Alicia Silverstone is anything but Clueless.

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演员艾丽西亚西尔沃斯通和厨师塔尔罗内恩上了纽约时报畅销书排行榜。Actor Alicia Silverstone and Chef Tal Ronnen on the New York Times bestseller list.

在洛杉叽呆了一周后,我预约了本市给明星们除毛的首席除毛师,艾莉西亚。After a week in LA, I made an appointment with the city's permier waxer to the stars, Alicia.

艾丽西娅7岁开始学习弹奏钢琴,到了14岁她便创作了第一首歌。Alicia started playing the piano when she was 7 years old. By 14 she'd composed her first song.

曾获得此奖的人士还有美国女演员艾丽西娅·西尔维斯通和男演员里察·基尔。Previous winners of the award have included US actress Alicia Silverstone and actor Richard Gere.

我的朋友,Alicia,42岁,顾问,经常对她的感情关系分析过度。My friend, Alicia , 42, who is a counsellor, tended to over-analyse everything about her relationship.

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毫无疑问,艾丽西亚有完美的外表,让观众第一眼印象最深。There is no doubt that Alicia has the perfect appearance, which impresses the audience at first sight.

艾丽西娅·斯坦利悲伤的知晓塔拉万·马丁是她失去的儿子,是她从3岁起就养育的孩子。Alicia Stanley sadly knows Trayvon Martin is the son she lost, is the child that she had raised from age 3

7月31日,29岁的美国R&B女歌手艾丽西亚·凯斯与唱片监制男友斯威兹·比茨在法国科西嘉岛举行了婚礼。US R&B singer Alicia Keys, 29, married music producer Swizz Beatz on the French island of Corsica Saturday.

艾伦·德杰尼勒斯对嘉宾谈论自己是怎么做这个的,演员艾丽西娅.西尔维斯通写了一本讲述自己怎么做这个的书。Ellen DeGeneres talks to guests about how she does it. Actress Alicia Silverstone wrote a book about how she does it.

她曾获帕特森基金会奖助及美国国家书评圈奖提名等荣誉。Her honors include an Alicia Patterson Foundation fellowship and a nomination for a National Book Critics Circle Award.

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艾丽西亚正好跨下母马,站在低低的拱门口,身边是她的纽芬兰大狗。Alicia had just dismounted from her mare, and stood in the low- arched doorway, with her great Newfoundland dog by her side.

洛杉矶广告艺术总监艾丽西娅·希福尔和一些人坚信风水可以提升一个人的桃花运。People like Los Angeles advertising art director Alicia Schiefer insist that feng shui works to improve one's romantic life.

新的形象将由艾丽西亚来扮演,这个女孩不只有美丽的脸,也有精彩的演技。The new image was going to play by Alicia Vikander, a girl also not only has the beautiful face, but wonderful acting skill.