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那艘船在沙洲搁浅了。The ship was hung up on a sandbar.

顺着流水前进,遇到沙洲就要停。Down the stream forward, met sandbar must stop.

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如果没有真菌,这里将成为另一个沙洲。Without the fungi, this would be just another sandbar.

一条大客轮搁浅在沙州已有几个小时了。A big ssenger ship hung up on a sandbar for several hours.

这种过分估值的时期就是让船沉没的沙洲。That extended period of time is the sandbar that sinks ships.

许多船只在河口的沙堤搁浅。Many boats have run aground on the sandbar at the river mouth.

一群非洲大羚羊躺在河谷下游的沙洲上休憩,”马克写到。a herd of waterbuck lying on a sandbar downstream,” Mark wrote.

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正午时分,他在沙洲上等待着从大海归来的渔民。At midday he waits on the sandbar for fishermen to return from the sea.

该组织还报告了灰鲨和沙洲鲨也正受到威胁。The group also reported the dusky and sandbar sharks as being threatened.

水位的下降使大湖区的圣克莱尔河上暴露出一个狭长的沙岛。Falling water levels expose a sandbar in the Great Lakes' St. Clair River.

沙洲是一片沙土岗子,上面长满了白杨,密得象耙齿一般。A towhead is a sandbar that has cottonwoods on it as thick as harrow-teeth.

我把小艇停泊在沿水而建的白色台阶附近的船坞。I park my kayak on a sandbar near white steps that rise from the water's edge.

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这张一月二十六日摄于佛罗里达州迈阿密比斯肯湾的照片,是一架座落在沙洲上的三角钢琴。A grand piano is seen on a sandbar in Biscayne Bay in Miami, Florida, on Jan. 26.

1979年,以色列和约旦差点在耶尔穆克河一个沙堤上打了起来。Israel and Jordan nearly cameto blows over a sandbar in the Yarmuk River in 1979.

被认为是澳大拉西亚最最危险的地方。The sandbar at the mouth of grey river is treacherous considered the most dangerous in australasia.

在台南县,急水溪口的沙滩最近应该会开始吸引一些过境的族群。In Tainan County, the sandbar at the mouth of the Ji Shui River should start attracting migrants soon.

沙洲把楚科奇海划分为两个部分,左侧是从Kasegaluk泻湖,右侧是靠近近美国的阿拉斯加的北坡。A sandbar divides the Chukchi Sea, at left, from the Kasegaluk Lagoon, right, near North Slope, Alaska.

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但是我从一位电影工作人员那边听到这个礼拜内会重拍在沙洲里的一幕。But I heard from one of movie staff that there is a re-filming of the scene of sandbar within this week.

让我感到美得几乎窒息的是那长达近一千米的沙洲,自岛身延展出去。What took my breath away was the almost one kilometer-long sandbar that stretched away from the island itself.

水浅的地方露出灰茫茫的狭长沙洲,土著人在沙洲上为过夜的渔夫搭建了小小的棕榈茅舍。Low water bares gray strips of sandbar on which the natives build tiny palm-thatch shelters for overnight fishing trips.