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今年我刚参加到一个博士项目中。This is my first year in a doctoral program.

陈国南博士,教授,博士生导师。Dr. Guonan Chen, Professor, Doctoral Advisor, Prof.

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嗯,我正在完成我的博士论文。H'm , I just at completion my doctoral dissertation.

拥有临床医学专业博士和硕士学位授予权。Master's Degree and Doctoral Degree in clinic medicine.

在俄亥俄州立大学攻读教育学博士的卡拉斯先生。Mr. Karras, a doctoral student in education at Ohio State.

杨洪涛,医学博士,教授,主任医师,博士研究生导师。Yang Hongtao, MD, professor, chief physician, doctoral tutor.

2011年赴菲律宾留学,攻读硕士和博士学位。To the Philippines in 2011 to study, master's and doctoral degrees.

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现有在读博士生、硕士生210余人。There are more than 210 master degree and doctoral degree candidates.

中国已经宣布,它将限制的博士课程增长。China has announced that it will limit the growth of doctoral programs.

拥有临床医学专业博士和硕士学位授予权。It also confers Master's Degree and Doctoral Degree in clinic medicine.

2006年至2008年香港大学博士后研究工作。Post doctoral research associate, 2006-2008, The University of Hong Kong.

具有副学士、学士、硕士和博士学位的授予权。Accredited to award associates, bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees.

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国立彰化师范大学未出版之硕士论文。Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.

纽约大学的一名博士生博伦·布拉克斯顿决定弄清这个问题。New York University doctoral student named Braxton Boren decided to find out.

硕士和博士论文会有不同的要求。There are different expectations for Master's theses and for Doctoral theses.

沃顿现共有本科生,MBA,EMBA以及博士生近4600名。There are currently Wharton undergraduate, MBA, EMBA and doctoral nearly 4600.

博士论文是学生学术成果的最高形式之一。The doctoral dissertations are the best form of student, s scholarship results.

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首席作者崔元俊,是机械工程专业的一名博士在读生。The lead author was Wonjoon Choi, a doctoral student in mechanical engineering.

先后培养硕士研究生15名,博士研究生10名。He has already tutored 15 post-graduate master students and 10 doctoral students.

辅仁大学心理学系博士研究生。Candidate, Department of Psychology, Fu-Jen Catholic University. Doctoral Student.