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他们称他为政治煽动家。They labeled him a demagogue.

我不想把话夸大。I don't want to demagogue my talk.

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那个煽动者赢得了人们的支持。The demagogue has won people's support.

特朗普几乎是教科书式的煽动家。Mr Trump is almost a textbook demagogue.

那个煽动者的言论很近似于判逆。The practices or rhetoric of a demagogue.

长久以来,这帮人阻挠和煽动反对医改的行为一直得到了纵容。For too long they have been allowed to obstruct and demagogue.

那么,我称他是一名恐怖主义和种族灭绝,法新社引述查韦斯的话说。Demagogue . Well, I am calling him a terrorist and genocidal, AFP quoted Chavez as saying.

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也暴露出他信作为煽动者想从其流亡地,迪拜,就激起一场叛乱。It also exposed Mr Thaksin as a demagogue who is ready to incite a revolt from his Dubai redoubt.

我们会丢出煽动家、法西斯主义者之类的名词,但我觉得,就其一致性、持续性或重要性而言,他可能够不上两者中的任何一个。We throw around terms like demagogue and fascist, but I'm not sure he's coherent, consistent or weighty enough for either.

你晓得吗,橙带党分支鼓动废除联合议会要比奥康内尔这样做,以及你们教派的主教、教长们把他斥为煽动者,还早二十年呢!Do you know that the orange lodges agitated for repeal of the union twenty years before O'Connell did or before the prelates of your communion denounced him as a demagogue?