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我的魂间音乐常满。Music in my soul all aglow.

我的白眼球发红,怎么办?My white eyeball is aglow , how to do?

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请让太阳将她的心照得明亮。Please ask the sun to set her heart aglow.

怎样防止男生皮肤发红过敏?。How to prevent schoolboy skin aglow allergy ?

修长的四肢稳步挺进,真诚的眼睛闪闪发光。Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.

夏天脸部皮肤为什么会发红呢?Why does facial ministry skin meet summer aglow ?

日落时分,你会看到街道熙熙攘攘,商店大放光明。At sundown you will find streets busy and shops aglow.

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我们关上所有灯,把这舞厅布置得一片通红。We'll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow.

酒后为什么身上有疤的地方就会发红呢?The why there is scar on the body place after wine is met aglow ?

头皮发红很痒,常常有头皮屑。为什么会这样?。Scalp is aglow very urticant, often have dander. Why to meet such?

眼睛发光的孩子们会��现今晚很难入睡。Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow will find it hard to sleep tonight.

这张北极光的照片拍摄到克里克联盟发光的地平线。This display of northern lights sets the horizon aglow at Trapper Creek.

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我们看着脚下的雪,但令我们惊奇的是,它们颜色发红。We looked down at the snow underfoot, and to our amazement it seemed to be aglow.

我们看着脚下的雪,但令我们诧异的是,它们似乎发出红光。We looked down at the snow underfoot , and to our amazement it seemed to be aglow.

下巴红肿,冬天开裂,夏天发红干燥,是什么病怎么治?Chin is red, winter craze, summer is aglow and dry, how be what disease is treated?

眼皮发红痒痒,而且还脱皮是怎么回事呢?Eyelid is aglow and crawly , and how is returning desquamate to return a responsibility?

昨晚492米高的上海世界金融中心大楼点亮了170,000盏灯。The 492-meter Shanghai World Financial Center is set aglow last night with 170,000 lights.

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鸿渐气得心头火直冒,仿佛会把嘴里的香烟衔着的一头都烧红了。He burned with such rage inside that it seemed enough to set the end of his cigarette aglow.

黄石公园及公园四周的地区,也是绿油油的,映照着红红的野花。Yellowstone and the regions surrounding the park are also green and aglow with wild flowers.

洗完后要迅速拭干皮肤至发红,以利皮肤血液循环。Rapid mop wants to do the skin to come after be being washed aglow , circulate with benefit skin blood.