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这是人类的动物性。It is human's animality.

你整个人性以及动物性。Your entire humanity and animality.

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人是动物性和文化性的统一。Man is a entia of animality and civilization.

她看到了兽性和技巧性。She sees both the animality and the artifice.

有薄浅狭隘的地方,就有罪恶与兽性。Where there is triviality, there is sin and animality.

④少吃高脂肪食物,特别是动物性脂肪。Eat less food contains high-fat, especially animality fat.

我憎恨身体的动物性,恨它的肮脏和淫靡。I am repulsed by the animality of the body, by its dirt and decay.

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另外,我不喜欢免费的性。我对躯体的兽性的一面相当拒斥,因为它肮脏、速朽。I am repulsed by the animality of the body, by its dirt and decay.

犯罪根源于人的动物性,即人的本能。Crime were rooted in the animality of human nature, that is human instinct.

吃动物的血和身躯事实上也在增加人的动物性。The eating of animal blood and flesh actually increases the animality in man.

无论哪一种,当婚姻里没有高层次的爱只剩动物性的生理需求时,围成中的男女,谁更痛苦?Whichever it is, When there is no love but animality demand for sex in a marriage, who are more painful, men or women?

人的动物性是诱发犯罪的重要因素,人的文化性是控制犯罪的重要因素。The animality of man is important factor of placing premium on crime, the civilization of man is important factor of controlling crime.