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为什么快乐感觉是值得拥有的?Why is the pleasurable sensation worth having?

部分原因是他们相信,那能给女性带来更大的快感。In part because they believe it's more pleasurable for women.

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这样吃起来没有罪恶感,最终更令人享受。It’s guilt-free eating, which is ultimately more pleasurable.

狗和猫会扭抱玩球,鱼和鸟翩翩起舞,猿类会进行一些简单的、愉快的游戏。Fishes and birds dance. The apes have simple, pleasurable games.

我们也渐渐学会去适应我们生活中的快乐的活动。We gradually learn to adapt pleasurable activities in our lives.

你也正在做快乐的活动,这也会兴奋它们。You're also doing pleasurable activities, which will boost them, too.

有些猫一开始会对抚摸感到愉快。Some cats initially find the sensation of being petted as pleasurable.

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这种痕量元素就是使得偷得浮生半日闲更加令人惬意。This subversive element is what makes the time stolen more pleasurable.

在自行车上看城市,总是给予给我愉快而有益的体验。Seeing cities from on top of a bike is both pleasurable and instructive.

或者是任何有意思或是有意义的活动,直到冲动劲过去为止。Or do any other pleasurable or necessary activity until the urge to eat passes.

当然,这也意味着你就无法享受多种令人愉快的吃法。Of course, that means you'd be depriving yourself of a lot of pleasurable eating.

就如我们提到过的,成为一个性感尤物远远比当一个羞涩的新娘要来的愉快的多。As we said before, being a sex vixen is far more pleasurable than playing shy bride.

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于是我试着赶紧结束这种状况,告诉对方我是在让东西更容易使用,人们也爱用。I try to follow it up quickly by saying that I make stuff easy and pleasurable to use.

对于有些人来说,愉悦感压制住了影像带来的恐惧。For some, the pleasurable sensations override the terrifying images on the movie screen.

对于真正的巧克力爱好者,仅仅想到巧克力就会产生一种愉悦的快感。For the true chocoholic, just thinking about chocolate can evoke a pleasurable response.

为了使你们双方均获得愉悦的体验,请看下述的六九式礼仪。In order to make it a pleasurable experience for both of you, check out AM’s 69 etiquette.

这对你和你的孩子来说真的会是很有意义也很愉快的经历。This can be a very meaningful and pleasurable experience for both you and your preschooler.

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抱怨自己的生活几乎成了一件愉快的事情,有时甚至成了泄愤的途径。It’s almost a pleasurable thing – complaining about your life. It’s sometimes even cathartic.

大部分人都认为阅读杂志应该是一种放松、愉悦的经历。Most people would agree that reading a magazine should be a relaxing, pleasurable experience.

或者品味下这带给你的参与工作之外的精彩的活动。Or relish how it gives you the means to participate in pleasurable activities outside of work.