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纳佐林机灵地看了她一眼。Nazorine glanced at her shrewdly.

我当然向他们保证绝不会的,"他机灵地说。I'll warrant nothing will,” he said shrewdly.

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“哦,那就由你说了,”他精明地回答。"Well, that's for you to say, " he answered shrewdly.

不同于贝斯特和加斯科因,他身边一直有人出谋划策。Unlike Best and Gascoigne, he has been shrewdly advised.

主人就称赞这不义的管家作事精明。The master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly.

纳佐林机敏地朝她瞥了一眼,他这个女儿却是个“热情奔放的人”。Nazorine glanced at her shrewdly. She was a "hot number" this daughter of his.

摩洛哥电信精明地在加蓬、布基纳法索和马里收购现在运营的电信行业公司。Maroc Telecom has shrewdly purchased incumbent telecoms firms in Gabon, Burkina Faso and Mali.

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精明的共和党人攒够了足以把希拉里拉下马的丑闻轶事。Republicans have shrewdly stockpiled a mammoth arsenal of past scandals to strafe Hillary with.

韩国流行乐的观察者称,有些明星聪明地利用兵役为自己服务。Observers of the K-pop scene say some of the stars shrewdly use army service to their advantage.

北非军团司令埃尔温•隆梅尔将军精明的将这首歌作为了一种鼓舞士气的手段。The Afrikakorps' commander, Gen. Erwin Rommel, shrewdly saw the song as a means to rally his men.

朱迪反过来设下圈套,精明地强迫尼克在这场与时间赛跑的行动中帮她找到水獭。Judy, in turn, shrewdly hustles Nick, boxing him into helping her find the otter in a race against time.

现在你说,女儿,关于你和艾希礼,这到底是怎么回事呀?I’ll warrant nothing will, ” he said shrewdly . “And now, daughter, what’s all this about you and Ashley?”

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在这紧要关头,我假意妥协─那是说,突然装做我真的想请她─我终于借到了那一本书。By shrewdly capitulating at the crucial moment—ie. , by pretending that I suddenly wanted to—I got my book.

尽管他们在1817年精明地退出了英国的统一公债市场,但是最重要的是英国是这个家族兴旺繁荣起来的地方。They shrewdly got out of British consols in 1817, but England was the nation where the family flourished above all.

正如塔克特先生精明地指出,很多投资经理们并不清楚,一个“理性的”决定应该是怎样的。As Mr Tuckett shrewdly points out, it was not clear to many of these fund managers what a “rational” decision should be.

他机敏地利用了这一任职优势,在和那些美国大家族企业的斗争中施加自己的影响力。From that vantage point, he shrewdly harnessed his new influence in the struggle against the dominant Yankee establishment.

通过减轻内布拉斯加州自然保护者的忧虑,石油管道运输公司狡猾的暗中破坏反对管道运输的联盟。And by defusing the concerns of conservationists in Nebraska, TransCanada is shrewdly undermining the coalition against the pipeline.

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取决于东北部如何灵活地重建,通过乡愁拉动,要不然也可以带点爱国情怀,都可能促进该地区作为旅游胜地的吸引力。Depending on how shrewdly Tohoku rebuilds, the pull of nostalgia, if not a touch of patriotism, may boost the region's appeal as a tourist destination.

爱尔兰U2摇滚乐团的主唱,巧妙的敦促世界领袖取消第三世界国家债务,协力对付爱滋病。Born Paul Hewson, the lead singer of the Irish rock band U2 has shrewdly pressed world leaders to forgive third-world debt and address the AIDS pandemic in Africa.

当被问及如何应对衰退时,多数受访者表示,他们在购买日常用品时愈加精打细算,并使用优惠券来省钱的情况也愈来愈多。As for how people are reacting to the recession, the majority globally said they were shopping more shrewdly for everyday items and increasingly using coupons to save money.