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通过游标进行循环。Loop through the cursor.

按衬垫移动光标。Press D-pad to move cursor.

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或使用光标键来做到这一点。Or use cursor keys to do it.

点击左键以改变游标位置。Left click to change cursor position.

默认情况下使用只能前进的游标。The default is the forward-only cursor.

运用光标暗示来表达受范性。Use cursor hinting to indicate pliancy.

一般的单点触控,指引湤游标。Ordinary single-touch, guiding cursor around.

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将游标移动至错误所在的位置。Moves the cursor to the location of the error.

依赖于主机屏幕光标位置的功能Host screen cursor position-dependent functions

必须首先保存当前的光标位置。The current cursor location must be saved first.

错误是说,游标指针的位置不对。Invalid operation for the current cursor position.

本地游标引用无明确释放Local cursor reference not explicitly deallocated.

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可见时,这类工具提示可以随光标移动。While they are visible, they move with the cursor.

您可以在来源视窗内设定游标的位置。You can set the cursor location in a source window.

请把滑鼠移向点字,以浏览更多网站内容。Please move cursor on Braille to navigate this site.

将一个结束注释分隔符添加到光标之后appends a closing comment delimiter after the cursor

移动滑鼠应该会移动萤幕中的游标。Moving the mouse should move the cursor on the screen.

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游标目前的位置,以字元表示。The current position of the insertion cursor in chars.

向右移动意味着鼠标或文本向向左方移动。Scrolling right means the cursor and text move leftwards.

将您的光标放在第二个单元格中,并指定版式Put your cursor in the second cell, and specify this layout