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准军事部队已经部署在了最前线。Paramilitary troops have been at the forefront of the crackdown.

数十名警察和准军事警察护送着火炬小步慢跑。Police and paramilitary forces by the dozens jogged on either side of the torch.

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他们还说看到到处都是军人,警察和武警部队。They said they saw soldiers, police officers and paramilitary troops everywhere.

目击者说,武装分子在布内尔区打死至少一名准军事部队军人。Witnesses say gunmen in Buner district, killed at least one of the paramilitary troops.

伊朗民兵部队当天大部分时间都没有出现。The Basiji paramilitary force, armed plainclothes militia, were absent for most the day.

中央情报局已在阿富汗内部拓展准军事业务。The Central Intelligence Agency has expanded paramilitary operations inside Afghanistan.

周日,政府武装力量出动,但当地居民说,他们出动得太晚了。Paramilitary forces were dispatched on Sunday, but their arrival came too late, residents say.

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持枪凶手和受害者全部都是过去民兵敌对派系「后续团体」的成员。The gunmen and victims were all believed to be members of rival paramilitary “successor groups”.

奇基塔香蕉公司支付了一大笔保护费,交换条件是这两个准军事组织停止屠杀行径和制造爆炸。Chiquita shelled out protection money to get the paramilitary groups to stop killing and bombing.

昨天武装的准军事警察巡逻街道,村和包围了修道院。Yesterday armed paramilitary police patrolled the streets of the village and surrounded the monastery.

在达格尔军事总部外面,几乎看不到准军事部队和警察的存在。Outside the military headquarters in Dagger, there is little presence of paramilitary troops or police.

除了VRS,一个来自塞尔维亚的非法军事组织蝎子也参与了这场屠杀。In addition to the VRS, a paramilitary unit from Serbia known as the Scorpions participated in the massacre.

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在斯利那加一场示威期间克什米尔穆斯林示威者向印度准军事部队士兵扔石头,印度。Kashmiri Muslim protesters throw stones at Indian paramilitary soldiers during a protest in Srinagar, India.

图为周一守卫在北京日本大使馆门前的正规军和武装部队。Paramilitary police and plainclothes police officers guard the gate of Japanese Embassy in Beijing on Monday.

印度士兵在位于印控克什米尔地区斯里兰卡的一处爆炸点站岗。Indian paramilitary soldiers stand guard near the site of an explosion in Srinagar, Indian-administered Kashmir.

现在那些一度被认为是危险分子的人,在如何处理残余的武装力量问题上也获得了发言权。Now even those once considered dangerous will have a say on how the remaining paramilitary rumps are dealt with.

在各投票站,8万多名军人和将近40万名警察和准军事人员担任警戒。More than 80,000 soldiers and nearly 400,000 police and paramilitary forces are providing security for the polls.

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这座城镇的转变始于政府对该区贩毒和准军事行动的镇压。The town’s transformation began with a government crackdown on illegal drug and paramilitary activity in the region.

有人也许会说这些准军事组织运行的是一种我们熟知的税制。One might say that these paramilitary groups were running a privatized version of the tax system we all know too well.

辅助性军事力量是国家警力的重要增援,而这方面没有任何改进。Little has been done to bolster the central government's own paramilitary force, an important back-up to the state police.