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人们会沦落到随便被裸露的,如果他们真的出现。They would unceremoniously be nuked if they emerged.

一个世纪以前,这些国家随便就被殖民化了。A century ago, such countries would have been unceremoniously colonized.

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因此,11月12日,保尔森先生仓促埋葬了自己的点子。So on Wednesday November 12th Mr Paulson unceremoniously buried the idea.

一个陌生的俄罗斯人会随便的称呼你为“男人”或者“女人”。An unknown Russian is likely to address you unceremoniously ‘man’ and ‘woman’.

我叔叔一打开门,三个当地的委员会特工就不请自来的走了进来。When my uncle opened the door, three agents from the local committee walked in unceremoniously.

我们受到了像被突然逮捕一样招呼,没有一句话,什么都没有。"We were greeted as unceremoniously as we were arrested, without a word, nothing." On the contrary.

基因技术公司和从英克隆公司的老板都随随便便地就拒绝了收购的出价。The bosses of both Genentech and ImClone have unceremoniously rejected the offers made by their partners.

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希望从微软大赚一笔的股东们发难,杨致远被迫唐突离职。Yang was unceremoniously dumped, ousted by carpetbagging shareholders who'd hoped to make a pile from Microsoft's money.

被匆匆撤销军籍后,她凭借自己的才能成为一名赏金猎人,继续伸张正义。After being unceremoniously discharged, she put her skills to use as a bounty hunter and continued to bring the lawless to justice.

有识之士不会随便地对西方国家报道的东西进行评论,并且会努力找出真相。The men of insight didn't unceremoniously comment those aricles western countries reported and made great efforts to find the real facts.

约万诺维奇与姆博卡尼进行快速传递后在禁区里被贝恩斯鲁莽绊倒,让埃弗顿人透心冰凉。Jovanovic scorched through the heart of Everton before swapping slick passes with Mbokani and being unceremoniously upended in the box by Baines.

我还没有到卫生间,就一股脑的把达菲吐了出来,还有那天吃下的其他东西利宾纳。I barely made it to the bathroom before my body unceremoniously ejected the Tamiflu, along with the only other thing I had swallowed that day, Ribena.

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那些只不过沦为俘虏的幸运的人被随便地赶入有刺铁丝网包围的拘留营不定期地关押起来。Those lucky individuals who are merely taken prisoner are unceremoniously herded into holding camps, hemmed in by barbed wire for an indefinite duration.

它有可能轻易的使得Courier平板机计划被封存,但微软从未掩饰它欲在平板市场与苹果iPad并驾齐驱的欲望。It may have unceremoniously canned Project Courier, but Microsoft has made no secret of its desire to go head-to-head with Apple’s iPad in the tablet space.

既然瓦兰先生不愿意偏离他的前任CEO所开创的道路,那就有必要问一问,为什么突然解雇斯特雷夫先生?Given that Mr Varin seems reluctant to deviate much from the path set out by his predecessor, it is worth asking why Mr Streiff was so unceremoniously fired.

北京的一个虚拟主机服务器的创办人说,网络服务商被粗暴地对待,强制其在新规则标准下执行。The founder of a web-hosting service in Beijing says that internet servers have been unceremoniously unplugged under new rules and new standards of enforcement.

早先引用商店老板的话说,这个窃贼在完事之后,总会把现场清理干净,但是,充气娃娃会被随便扔到商店后门的过道上。It earlier quoted the store's owner saying the burglar always cleaned up after himself, but the dolls were dumped unceremoniously in an alleyway behind the store.

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然而,当内政部长,法比奥·瓦伦西亚·科西奥在这个星期向国会发表改良草案时,他只是随意称述了一下内容,而没有按惯例发表演讲。Yet when the interior minister, Fabio Valencia Cossio, delivered the reform bills to Congress this week, he unceremoniously dumped them, without the customary speech.

一个年轻的中国女人穿着牛仔短裤从舞台上倒向人群,人们举着她在屋里转圈,最后她被随意的扔在地板上。A young Chinese woman in tight denim shorts dives from the stage onto the crowd and is passed hand to hand around the room before being unceremoniously dumped onto the floor.

回家的日子,我总如蜂似蝶般亲近泥土,泥土便毫不客气地武装了我的全身,让我土气十足地站成乡野上的一道景致。Home days, I always like butterflies, such as bees as close to the soil, the soil will be unceremoniously arm of my body, let me stand into a full rustic countryside on one scene.