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请别因此取消我的户口。Please don't revoke my citizenship.

奢侈品限额已被撤消。The quota on luxury item have is revoke.

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这项特此宣告2004年5月8日的协议无效。We hereby revoke the agreement of May8,2004.

这项特此宣告2004年5月8日的协议无效。We hereby revoke the agreement of May8, 2004.

去极化刺激仅可诱发出一外向电流。Membrane depolarization could revoke an outward current.

遗嘱人可以撤销、变更自己所立的遗嘱。A testator may revoke or alter a will he previously made.

我可以申请撤销他人已注册的外观设计吗?Q12. Can I apply to revoke another person's Registered Design?

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清华大学是否应该撤销周森锋的硕士学位?Should Tsinghua University Revoke Zhou Senfeng's Master's Degree?

不允许任何人吊销我的企业服务器许可方证书。Do not allow anyone to revoke my enterprise server licensor certificate.

要撤消这些权限,可以不选中权限旁边的复选框。To revoke these authorities, you could uncheck the box beside each authority.

外经贸部并可以撤销其对外贸易经营许可。MOFTEC may concurrently revoke the licensing for their foreign trade operations.

他说如果调查证实的确存在相关的欺骗行为,AIRC会取消其认证。He said AIRC could revoke the certification if the fraud accusations areconfirmed.

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当时他意识到,父母既是生命的缔造者,又可以是生命的终结者。It's a moment when a child realizes that the person who gave him life can revoke it.

在我们的示例中,没有直接的服务供您调用来撤消已提交的订单。In our example, there is no direct service you can call to revoke the submitted orders.

我们已经要求他们撤销封闭令,并让各站进行操作。We've called for them to revoke the closure order and to allow the stations to operate.

本人兹此吊销之前在上述申请中授予的所有授权书。I hereby revoke all previous powers of attorney given in the above-identified application.

sysadmin可以在需要时撤销这种信任关系而不会影响其他应用。Sysadmin can revoke this trust relationship as needed without affecting other applications

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凡与此相反的一切宪法、法律、法令和诏敕,我们均将排除之。We reject and revoke all constitutions, laws ordinances, and rescripts in conflict herewith.

候选人或其选举代人可撤销任何代人的委任。A candidate or his election agent may revoke the appointment of any type of agent at any time.

伦敦金融城想要取消早先的条例,把搬运工人的雇佣权对外开放,交给市场来取舍。The City of London wants to revoke the byelaws , opening the employment of porters to market forces.